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Presentation on theme: "T HE T HOR W ASHER & A MERICAN C ULTURE By: Nicole Whitfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE T HOR W ASHER & A MERICAN C ULTURE By: Nicole Whitfield

2 T HE T HOR W ASHER Known as the “Thor” or “Electronic Washer” Invented in 1908 Made by Alva J. Fisher Patented in 1910 Consisted of a large tub, wires and a motor

3 F AMILY IN THE 1900 S Roles in families were very balanced Women were responsible for the home and the family Men would work Children would go to school

4 T HE T HOR M EETS F AMILY L IFE The Thor allowed people to get more things done It required less work then manual wash boards It saved people time

5 C HANGES IN THE W ASHER 1900s2000s1950s 1920s Over the years the washer has become… Safer Quieter Faster More efficient

6 C HANGES OF C ULTURE IN THE 21 ST C ENTURY America advanced past other cultures Women, men and even children began working outside of homes Society began to rely on technology for labor

7 O VERLOOKED B UT P ROVEN It’s used in everyday life It’s powerful yet efficient Has a major impact on everyone The Washer is One of the most used inventions Easy to operate Vital to many people

8 T HE T HOR AND C ULTURE Created new jobs Better hygiene Less work effort when doing household tasks Made people happier

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