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UDL and Differentiation. Introduction Throughout a student’s process of learning, a teacher has to modify his or her approaches to teaching to the student’s.

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Presentation on theme: "UDL and Differentiation. Introduction Throughout a student’s process of learning, a teacher has to modify his or her approaches to teaching to the student’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 UDL and Differentiation

2 Introduction Throughout a student’s process of learning, a teacher has to modify his or her approaches to teaching to the student’s level and needs. Students may have different ways of learning due to their abilities. In my readings, I have learned about Differentiation (DI) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the way of comparison and contrast, Envision and strategies.

3 COMPARISON The two theories refer to preparing students for learning at their level assuring needs are being met. They both allow students fair options to learn the same curriculum. The two can compliment one another in a child’s curriculum. They are designed to help all children including those with disabilities.

4 CONTRAST Students may learn from the same curriculum but not at the same time. There is a difference the quality of the theories. UDL helps students to become more independent in their learning. With UDL, teachers have less learning to modify due to students working more independently on their needs.

5 ENVISION My envision of blending the concept in a Kindergarten classroom would be : 1.Engaging in a group activity using the alphabet to identify the first letter in their name. 2.Developing an activity using alphabet flash cards to identify the first letter of their names in a small group setting. According to the article, learning centers in the classroom setting can also be designed so that small groups of students can practice content

6 ENVISION in different ways at the same time. (King-Sears, 2008) 3. New information will be presented to the students as a group. Parents will be informed through newsletters, conferences and home visits. 4. Students will demonstrate their prior knowledge through pre and post assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses.

7 STRATEGIES My strategies to engage and motivate students would be: 1.Promote a safe and supportive social-emotional environment. 2.Work with the students individually. Based on an article, students work independently on products or performances that match their abilities and meet their group needs. (Curry, C., 2003) 3.Be creative in the curriculum and activities. 4.Allow opportunities for self-motivation. 5.Provide an atmosphere filled with positive reinforcement. 6.Provide feedback and ideas for improvements.

8 Conclusion In summary, it is important to understand the comparison and contrast of differentiation and UDL, an envision of the classroom blending concepts and strategies. The two theories has likes and differences when used as a part of the curriculum for students needs.

9 References Curry. C, (2003), Universal Design Accessibility for All Learners, Educational Leadership. King-Sears, M.E, (2008), Facts and Fallacies: Differentiation and the General Education Curriculum for Students with Special Educational Needs, Support for Learning Vol 23 Number 2.

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