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Weather and Climate. Learning Targets ❏ I can compare and contrast weather and climate. ❏ I can describe how physical features can influence the climate.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather and Climate. Learning Targets ❏ I can compare and contrast weather and climate. ❏ I can describe how physical features can influence the climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather and Climate

2 Learning Targets ❏ I can compare and contrast weather and climate. ❏ I can describe how physical features can influence the climate of an area. ❏ I can explain the factors that affect climate in different parts of Washington state.

3 Pre-assessment What is the difference between weather and climate? How are weather and climate measured? What causes different locations to have different weather and climate?

4 Weather o/101-videos/weather-101-sci Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and place. The weather where you live can change from hour to hour, or day to day.

5 Weather Discussion Questions 1.What are some examples of weather? 2. What are some examples of how weather is measured?

6 Weather

7 Climate o/climate-weather-sci Climate is the average weather of a place over a long period of time. For example, the climate in Tennessee is not too cold or too hot, too dry or too wet. But at any particular time, the weather might be cold, hot, dry, or wet.

8 Different Kinds of Climate Dry and Cold Antarctica Dry and Warm Southwest US Wet and Cold Pacific Northwest Wet and Warm Amazon Rainforest


10 Climate Discussion 1.What is the difference between climate and weather? 1.Give an example of a situation where you would want to know the weather. Give an example of a situation where you would want to know the climate.

11 Climate v. Weather Sort You will receive several statements describing climate or weather. Create a T chart in notebook - Weather vs Climate. With a partner or table group, decide which ones describe weather and which ones describe climate. Write the number in your T chart. Be ready to share in 10 minutes!

12 Post-assessment What is the difference between weather and climate? How are weather and climate measured? What causes different locations to have different weather and climate?

13 Exit Ticket What is the difference between weather and climate? Give an example of each for Everett, WA.

14 Mountain Effect on Climate

15 Climate Research topics 1.What type of weather does your location generally receive and what are extreme weather occurrences that can happen. 2.What are geographic factors that affect your location's climate? i.e. distance from equator, mountains, elevation, etc. 3.Is there any indication of changing climate and if so how is it changing?

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