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Cliques and Crowds Tyler Parrish and Savanna Olson.

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1 Cliques and Crowds Tyler Parrish and Savanna Olson

2 Cliques  Cliques: are peer groups of five to ten people who spend a great deal of time with one another, sharing activities and confidences.  Adolescent cliques often include members of both sexes which may lead to romantic relationships.  Some adolescents join certain cliques in their search for the stability and sense of belonging that comes from being part of a group  They may imitate their peers speech and adopt some of their values  May follow similar trends in the way they dress or style their hair  Cliques: are peer groups of five to ten people who spend a great deal of time with one another, sharing activities and confidences.  Adolescent cliques often include members of both sexes which may lead to romantic relationships.  Some adolescents join certain cliques in their search for the stability and sense of belonging that comes from being part of a group  They may imitate their peers speech and adopt some of their values  May follow similar trends in the way they dress or style their hair


4 Crowds  Larger groups of people who do not spend as much time together but share attitudes and group identity  Most younger people belong to larger groups with whom they participate in similar activities  Members of these groups can become unaccepting of “outsiders”  Larger groups of people who do not spend as much time together but share attitudes and group identity  Most younger people belong to larger groups with whom they participate in similar activities  Members of these groups can become unaccepting of “outsiders”


6 Peers Influence Adolescence  Peers become more important in terms of influence and emotional support  Parental and peer influences often coincide to some degree  Research suggests that peers are more likely to urge adolescents to work for good grades and complete high school than they are to try to involve them in drug abuse, sexual activity, or delinquency  Adolescents are more likely to follow their peers in terms of dress, hairstyles, speech patterns, and taste in music  However, they are more likely to agree with their parents on issues such as moral values and educational and career goals.  Peer pressure decreases after the age of 17  Peers become more important in terms of influence and emotional support  Parental and peer influences often coincide to some degree  Research suggests that peers are more likely to urge adolescents to work for good grades and complete high school than they are to try to involve them in drug abuse, sexual activity, or delinquency  Adolescents are more likely to follow their peers in terms of dress, hairstyles, speech patterns, and taste in music  However, they are more likely to agree with their parents on issues such as moral values and educational and career goals.  Peer pressure decreases after the age of 17

7 Dating and Romantic Relationships in Adolescence Dating usually develops in stages 1 st stage: in situations where opposite sex are present 2 nd stage: participate in group dating (Ex: mixed group at the movies) 3 rd stage: may pair off as couples for traditional dating Tasha Tharp, Molly Norton, Maria Durso Dating usually develops in stages 1 st stage: in situations where opposite sex are present 2 nd stage: participate in group dating (Ex: mixed group at the movies) 3 rd stage: may pair off as couples for traditional dating Tasha Tharp, Molly Norton, Maria Durso

8 Identity crisis & identity status Karly Grunduski

9 Information  Identity crisis: turning point in a persons development when the person examines his/her values and makes or changes decisions about life roles  Erikson said this  Ex: should I go to college? What job is right for me?  Adolescences can feel overwhelmed by choices  Identity status: reaction patterns and processes  James Marsha said this  How adolescences handle commitments and cope with the adolescences is the identity status  Identity crisis: turning point in a persons development when the person examines his/her values and makes or changes decisions about life roles  Erikson said this  Ex: should I go to college? What job is right for me?  Adolescences can feel overwhelmed by choices  Identity status: reaction patterns and processes  James Marsha said this  How adolescences handle commitments and cope with the adolescences is the identity status

10 4 categories of adolescent identity status Catego ry DefinitionCharacteristicsExample Identity Morato rium Delay making commitments about important questions -Searching for identity -Exploring various alternatives -Delaying making commitments “I don’t know what I want to do when I graduate, so I’m going to apply to college for jobs. Then I’ll decide which would be best for me.” Identity Foreclo sure Make a commitment that forecloses (or shut out) other possibilities -Conforming -Accepting identity and values from childhood -Choosing to identify with other rather than self -Becoming inflexible “Everyone in my family has gone into the military after high school, so that’s what I’m planning to do.” Identity Diffusio n Seem to be constantly searching for meaning in life or for identify because they have not committed themselves to a set of personal beliefs or an occupational path -Making no commitment -Doing no soul- searching -Wandering without goals “I really have no idea what I’ll do after graduation. I’ll just have to see what happens.” Identity Achiev ement Coped with crises and have explored options -Exploring options -Committing self to direction in life and occupation -Finding own identity “I’m going to start college in the fall. My parents wanted me to go into the family business after I graduated, but I decided that what I really want to do is going to school and become a scientist.”

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