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Swabbing Cheeks and Saving Lives: Chapter Efficiency in Chapel Hill.

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1 Swabbing Cheeks and Saving Lives: Chapter Efficiency in Chapel Hill

2 Organizational Background Be The Match Nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a solution for those affected by blood diseases and cancers A bone marrow transplant can be the only hope for some Only a 25% chance of finding a match within family 1:540 chance of being a match for someone in need Largest and most diverse bone marrow registry in the world Been in operation for over 25 years Mission is carried out in five ways: –Researching –Educating –Supporting patients –Fundraising –Increasing the people on the registry Be the Match is saving lives one transplant at a time Be The Match On Campus Established as an organization in 2014 Membership currently around 30 students Executive board (composed of 10) responsible for organization Carries out mission which is to save lives in three ways: –Events - provides swabbing events on campus –Awareness - increases awareness of cause on campus –Fundraising - strives for a monetary goal each year Extremely effective by taking advantage of prime age group on campus Nearly 100 student-led chapters across the U.S. Raised more than $22,369 86 marrow donors since 2012 Other initiatives include Student Athletes Saving Lives

3 Research Executive Board Survey: Methodology 23 question survey distributed at Be The Match On Campus meeting Questions included asked about strengths, weaknesses, and communication skills 90% completion rate Data calculated using Qualtrics Membership Survey: Methodology 21 question survey distributed at Be The Match On Campus meeting Questions included communication skills, motivation, and challenges Completion by active members attending meeting (12) Data calculated using Qualtrics

4 Research Executive Board Survey: Results Majority started leadership less than a year ago 100% joined the leadership team for passion for the cause What the executive team does best –Swabbing events - 78% –Promotion of the cause - 22% Holds an event 2-3 times a month Listed perceived best events: Only 50% of board members use BTM handbook Biggest challenges –Not many members of the organization (78%) –Not enough training with marketing or media (44%) Target audience –Minority groups - 56% –Undergraduate students - 44% Primarily uses social media to contact media attention Positive about media improvement with workshops or training Membership Survey: Results 83% involved with Be The Match for less than 1 year Top motivations for joining the chapter: - Passion for the cause 83% - Friend in the chapter 58% - Important to someone close to me 42% 83% of chapter members believe swabbing events are what the chapter does best Biggest challenges cited: - Need more chapter members - Lack of experience in marketing or media relations - Lack of experience in fundraising 0% of chapter members said that they have used the handbook. List of resources that chapter members cited as being most helpful in making Be The Match at UNC-Chapel Hill more successful, in order of popularity: - List of potential organizations to partner with - List of event ideas - Media list - Tips for promoting events on social media - Chapter calendar - Swabbing event news release template - Faster paperwork for people joining the registry - Committees for different chapter efforts

5 SWOT Analysis

6 Situation Analysis Be The Match On Campus UNC Chapter is an organization with many strengths and opportunities especially because of the passionate people who are behind this great cause. However, if the communication skills and tactics of this chapter could be strengthened, the reach of the organization could be multiplied even further. There are many resources that simply have not been utilized to their full potential. Once the leadership team of Be The Match On Campus is further equipped in elements like media relations, networking, social media etc., they will be saving lives even more effectively.

7 Campaign Goal To provide the Be The Match at UNC- Chapel Hill chapter with guidelines for extending reach, maximizing effectiveness, and increasing chapter sustainability.

8 Objectives  Gain campus or local media coverage of the cause or Be The Match events at least three times per semester.  Provide the Be The Match at UNC- Chapel Hill chapter with a message toolkit to increase awareness of the cause on campus by 20% in an aca demic year.  Increase chapter organization and efficiency resulting in an increase of membership by 10% by the end of th e calendar year

9 Key Publics Members of Be The Match On Campus Executive Board of Be The Match On Campus Be The Match On Campus liaison(s) UNC-Chapel Hill people age 18-44 including: –Students –Professors –Staff UNC Hospitals staff and affiliates Local and campus media outlets The Daily Tar Heel Carolina Week Other Be The Match On Campus chapters Student organizations Greek system Student government Service clubs and organizations Health clubs and organizations Race/ethnicity specific organizations People already on the registry Patients who are in need of a bone marrow transplant Sports teams Opinion leaders (e.g., Roy Williams/other coaches, sports celebrities, athletes, Karl Fox, professors and faculty) Local businesses Campus visitors

10 Target Audience Executive leadership team and general members of Be The Match On Campus at the UNC Chapel Hill Chapter

11 Strategies and Tactics Strategy Improve UNC Be The Match chapter efficiency in organizing chapter structure and planning events. Tactics Important Dates Calendar (Calendar Appendix) Semester plan example (Calendar Appendix) Leadership conference More frequent training opportunities for leadership and members Committees for chapter efforts Job descriptions for executive and non-executive positions

12 Strategies and Tactics Strategy Increase UNC Be The Match chapter membership and retention. Tactics Team building events Promote chapter on student organization directories Offer incentives and opportunities for leadership experience for members outside of the executive team Utilize the additional marketing materials provided by ML Communications

13 Strategies and Tactics Strategy Establish a UNC Be The Match ‘message toolkit’ for a clear and consistent message in both internal and external communications. Tactics Talking Points (Appendix) Elevator Pitch (Appendix) Social media tips (Appendix) Important Dates Calendar (Appendix)

14 Strategies and Tactics Strategy Increase attendance at UNC Be The Match events. Tactics Social media tips (Appendix) Semester plan example (Appendix) Utilize available Be The Match pre-made graphics for social media (Link)

15 Strategies and Tactics Strategy Partner with new local and campus organizations each semester and maintain existing relationships. Tactics Reach out to at least 5 new groups from the list of organizations to potentially partner with per semester (Appendix) Pre-design a presentation for speaking at organization meetings Plan annual events with organizations using the Important Dates Calendar (Appendix)

16 Strategies and Tactics Strategy Strengthen relationships between UNC Be The Match and local and campus media outlets. Tactics Developed media contact list including campus and local media as well as how to reach out to them Developed and provided a list of media tips on how to appropriately reach out to the media Further evaluation by executive leadership team to update these resources Keep track with how many times they receive media coverage

17 Evaluation Objective Gain campus or local media coverage of the cause or Be The Match events at least three times per semester. Evaluation Developed media contact list including campus and local media as well as how to reach out to them Developed and provided a list of media tips on how to appropriately reach out to the media (See Appendix “Media Tips.”) Further evaluation - executive leadership team should keep track with how many times they receive media coverage. Evaluate at end of semester

18 Evaluation Objective Provide the Be The Match at UNC-Chapel Hill chapter with a message toolkit to increase awareness of the cause on campus by 20% in an academic year. Evaluation Developed list of potential connections with campus and local influences and organizations. Developed talking points and an elevator speech to benefit members with another way of presenting their organization Further evaluation - done at the end of the academic year to check awareness by distributing the survey (included) and by measuring the results with the original survey. After evaluating the increase of awareness, the executive board should discuss what they believe had the most effectiveness on awareness to continue to increase that number.

19 Evaluation Objective Increase chapter organization and efficiency resulting in an increase of membership by 10% by the end of the calendar year. Evaluation Developed tools for chapter planning including important calendar dates and a semester plan example Further evaluation - done by executive team as they reach the end of the calendar year to measure the increase in membership If this objective is completed, an increase in productivity like the addition of committees and an academic calendar plan should also be in place.

20 Further Details and Recommendations ML Communications is in the process of developing audio marketing materials that offer personal anecdotes from chapter members and executives. These materials will be available for use as-is on social media and the web, or they can be adapted to fit other video and marketing materials. The ultimate tactic that will advance all objectives simultaneously! Website Improvements Making the News Workshop Committees and Job Descriptions Extra Marketing Materials (In Progress)

21 Further Details and Recommendations In designing this campaign, it was the ultimate hope of ML Communications that the resources and challenges addressed specifically for UNC- Chapel Hill would be useful for other Be The Match On Campus chapters, on the East Coast and beyond. Carolina and Beyond

22 Conclusion

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