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And the 2nd Punic War – Battles of Cannae and Zama

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1 And the 2nd Punic War – Battles of Cannae and Zama
No…. Not THIS Hannibal…. THIS GUY!... Hannibal Barca of Punic Carthage HANNIBAL!!! And the 2nd Punic War – Battles of Cannae and Zama

2 WHO IS THIS GUY??? Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca, was born in 247 BC
Considered one of the greatest Military Commanders of all time One of his most famous achievements was at the outbreak of the 2nd Punic War Marched his army and War Elephants over the Alps into Northern Italy He won 3 decisive battles there including Cannae

3 Hannibal Bizarre Facts!
Said to have fought one of the 2nd Punic War battles with ONE EYE! The army had to march through some marshland where it is said Hannibal lost vision in one eye after it became very infected Crossed the Alps with over 45,000 men, 6,000 cavalry and 37 elephants! Lived until he was 63!!!! That is UNHEARD of in those times

4 Carthage had been founded as Phoenician colony 500 years earlier
Dispute over control of Sicily and trade routes in the western Mediterranean brought Rome into conflict with the powerful North African city-state of Carthage Carthage had been founded as Phoenician colony 500 years earlier Result was the Three Punic Wars BC

5 ROME WINS THE FIRST ONE Rome would not surrender
Finally turned tables on Carthage by changing rules of naval warfare Equipped ships with huge hooks and Stationed soldiers on ships Would hook enemy ship, pull nearby, board it with soldiers Converted naval warfare into mini-land battles Rome was very good at this! Won First Punic War as a result

6 SECOND PUNIC WAR "Hannibal ad portas" (“Hannibal is at the Gates!”)
Carthagian General Hannibal surprises Romans Invades Italy from the north Defeats Roman armies sent to stop him several times but hesitates to attack Rome itself Too well fortified Settles instead on war of attrition (Weakening the other army by repeated bombardments)

7 Battle of Cannae – 216 BC This battle is famous for Hannibal’s Tactics as for the role it played in Roman History 1. Elephants had made a psychological impact like no other 2. Hannibal trained one of the first professional armies of the world 3. Used the PHALANX formation… but was one of the first to use a RESERVE line! THE BATTLE!

8 ROME WINS Unable to defeat Hannibal in Italy, a Roman army sailed across the Mediterranean, landed in North Africa, and headed for Carthage Led by General Scipio “the African” Hannibal forced to leave Italy to protect Carthage Defeated at the Battle of Zama, fought outside the walls of Carthage Ironically, Hannibal victim of his own strategy: Scipio outflanked & surrounded Carthaginians Aid of King Masinissa's Numidian cavalry

9 Hannibal-the-Conqueror
"I swear that so soon as age will permit I will use fire and steel to arrest the destiny of Rome." ~~Childhood Hannibal Quote Born about Died 183BC




13 Alps Hannibal conceived of an invasion of Italy from the north
Wanted them crushed on own turf—counted on disaffected allies Crossed the Iberus-bloody battles with Spanish tribes Marched with about 40,000 men across the Pyrenees In Gaul, quick progress to Rhone River Transported army & war elephants across the river

14 15 days marched through rugged mountain passes Enormous army
Diverse origin and language 38 war elephants enemy attacks landslides early autumn snow Heroic feat Captured the imagination of historians and poets alike

15 Africa Back in Carthage after 16 years of victorious warfare Hannibal defeated by Scipio Africanus Battle of Zama Hannibal escaped with a few horsemen Rushed to Carthage Counseled peace Treaty in 201

16 Political enemies accused Hannibal in Rome of conspiring with King Antiochus III of Syria
When Romans sent commission to investigate, fled First to Ephesus, then to King Prusias of Bithynia

17 Hannibal poisoned himself when threatened with being prisoner
He did so in Libyssa, close to today's Istanbul in Turkey. Ruins of grave site near Diliskelesi, South of Gebze, 60km East of Istanbul “Let us release the Romans from their long anxiety, since they think it too long to wait for the death of an old man.”

18 Took over Greece, Macedonia, some of Asia Minor, Syria, Aegean and eastern Mediterranean islands by 133 BC

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