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by Weihua Wang Supervisor: Prof.Dr.A.M.Sharaf
Thesis Proposal Novel FACTS Based Schemes for Distribution Networks with Distributed / Dispersed Renewable Wind Energy by Weihua Wang Supervisor: Prof.Dr.A.M.Sharaf
Outline Introduction Motivations Objective and significance
System description Methodology Progress to date Sample study Reference
Introduction Wind is a renewable energy source kinetic Mechanical
Load kinetic Energy Mechanical Energy Electrical Energy
Introduction Wind is also a clean energy source carbon dioxide sulfur
Introduction Wind energy is a promising energy and becomes increasingly popular. By 2005, the worldwide capacity had been increased to 58, 982 megawatts World Wind Energy Association expects 120,000 MW to be installed globally by 2010.
Introduction Total installed wind power capacity
(data from World Wind Energy Association)
Introduction Wind Energy Conversion Scheme (WECS)
Stand alone Grid Integration Distributed/Dispersed Renewable Wind Energy Located close to where the power is needed Low reliability
Motivations Energy crisis Environmental Issues
Shortage of conventional fuel based energy escalating prices Environmental Issues Greenhouse gas emission Acid rain Water pollution
Motivations Large wind farm emerging (in the range of several megawatts ) Many new interface requirements regarding the full integration of large dispersed wind power into the power grid
Motivations Challenges for dispersed wind energy integrate into the distribution network Wind power injected into the grid is highly variable Electrically weak distribution networks - Radial meshed - Large R/X ratio distribution line WECS that employed induction machine may bring heavy reactive burden to the grid
Objectives Validating the effectiveness of several FACTS based schemes developed by Dr. Sharaf, for Reactive power compensation Power factor correction Harmonic reduction In distribution networks with dispersed renewable wind energy integrated
Significance provide the industrial branches with more alternative countermeasures that can pave the way for the gird integration of renewable wind energy ease the environmental pollution by reducing the demand of power generated by fossil fuel
System description
System Description Wind turbine model based on the steady-state power characteristics of the turbine S -- the area swept by the rotor blades v -- the wind velocity ρ--air density
System Description tip speed ratio λ, which is the quotient between the tangential speed of the rotor blade tips and the undisturbed wind velocity C1=0.5176, C2=116, C3=0.4, C4=5, C5=21 and C6=0.0068
System Description WECS Controller Controller MPFC UPFC STATCOM
Methodology Simulation Environment: MATLAB/SIMULINK
Using discrete simulation mode with a sample time of 0.1 milliseconds Parameters optimization: off-line Trial-and-Error method
Progress to date Task Expected end date Background review
Nov. 31, 2006 The prototype model of proposed system without any FACTS devices Done Modeling of MPFC and Digital Simulation Modeling of STATCOM and Digital Simulation Nov. 30, 2006 Modeling of UPFC and Digital Simulation Dec. 19, 2006 Thesis writing and compilation Jan. 31, 2007
Sample study 11 kV distribution networks
With 3.6MW renewable wind energy integrated Feeder 3 km/section R=0.25Ω/km, L=0.93mH/km 4 Linear loads at power factor 0.8 lagging (2MVA each) 600 kVA induction motor Static power converter type nonlinear load (2 MVA)
Sample proposed dynamic tri-loop error driven controller
Sample study Sample proposed dynamic tri-loop error driven controller
Sample study Simulation duration: 0.8 seconds
Sequence of system excursions : t = 0.1s Induction motor was switched off at bus 5 t = 0.2s Induction motor was switched on at bus 5 t = 0.3s Linear load was switched off at bus 4 t = 0.4s Linear load was switched on at bus 4 t = 0.5s wind speed decreased to 9 m/s t = 0.6s wind speed increased to 21 m/s t= 0.7s wind speed returned to 15 m/s
Sample resultsSystem dynamic responses at bus 5
Reference [1] Siegfried Heier, 'Grid Integration of Wind Energy Conversion Systems', 1998, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. [2] Mohamed S. ElMoursi and Adel M. Sharaf, 'Novel STATCOM Controllers for Voltage Stabilization of Stand Alone Hybrid (Wind/Small Hydro) Schemes', International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2006, Vol.7, No. 3, Article 5 [3] A.M. Sharaf and Weihua Wang, 'A Low-cost Voltage Stabilization and Power Quality Enhancement Scheme for a Small Renewable Wind Energy Scheme', Proceedings-International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2006, ISIE 2006 [4]The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) web site, ' [5]El-Moursi, M.S. and Sharaf, A.M. , 'Novel STATCOM controllers for voltage stabilisation of wind energy scheme', Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 2005
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