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Return and Reunion Curriculum Module 3.  What surprised you?  Biggest aha moment?  Questions you have? Activity: R&R Check-in.

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Presentation on theme: "Return and Reunion Curriculum Module 3.  What surprised you?  Biggest aha moment?  Questions you have? Activity: R&R Check-in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Return and Reunion Curriculum Module 3

2  What surprised you?  Biggest aha moment?  Questions you have? Activity: R&R Check-in

3 R&R Scavenger Hunt

4  Module Description  Trainer Notes  Learning Objectives  Module Preparation  Course Outline Introduction

5  Provide information about R&R  Provide opportunity to share information, details and questions  Set expectations  Establish support Module 1: Command Leadership Brief

6 Module 2: Singles Returning to Homeport

7 Bizarro World

8 Activity: Parallel Universe The world looks the same, but in reality, things are the opposite What has changed for you during this deployment?

9  Social readjustment  Possible risks  Positive local activities Singles Returning to Homeport

10 Rules: You may NOT use… 1.Your other hand 2.Any other body part 3.Any object Activity: Rubber Band Hand

11 Module 3: Reintegrating with Partners Communication Coping with Change Two-person Activity

12 Module 4: Reintegrating with Children

13 Activity: Opportunity Ladder Commit to an action that will get you to your goal Commit to a more deliberate action Take a baby step toward your goal

14 Module 5: New Parents Understanding Mother’s Needs Adapting to Changes Anticipating Surprises Welcoming a New Baby

15 Module 6: Consumer Awareness Adequate Insurance Saving Strategies Predatory Lending Credit Management Identify Theft

16 Module 7: Car Buying Strategies Negotiation Tactics Spending Limits Fair Price

17  Local SOPs  R&R Team Leader  R&R handout packet  Other members of the R&R class/network  21 st Century Sailor and Marine: Resources

18 Day One Summary The R&R Program Preparing for a R&R Life on a Ship U.S. Navy Rank and Structure U.S. Navy Ships and Battle Groups R&R Independent Review R&R Program Overview

19  Command Leadership Brief  Singles Returning to Homeport  Reintegrating with Partners  Reintegrating with Children  New Parents  Consumer Awareness  Car Buying Strategies R&R Teach-backs Module Assignment

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