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An EdTech Alphabet Click on the arrow to start. Do you know the ABC’s of EdTech? ABCDEF GHIJKL MNOPQR STUVWX YZ Exit.

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Presentation on theme: "An EdTech Alphabet Click on the arrow to start. Do you know the ABC’s of EdTech? ABCDEF GHIJKL MNOPQR STUVWX YZ Exit."— Presentation transcript:

1 An EdTech Alphabet Click on the arrow to start

2 Do you know the ABC’s of EdTech? ABCDEF GHIJKL MNOPQR STUVWX YZ Exit

3 A

4 B-Blog A blog is an online journal A blog is written by one author, and allows others to read and leave comments Blog is short for “weblog” Posts appear in reverse chronological order Here’s an example of a blog being used in education: Write On!Write On!

5 C Cyber-safety

6 D

7 E E-mail

8 F Flickr Filters

9 G Garage Band

10 H

11 I-iPod An iPod is the thing your students listen to while they should be doing work iPods can play music, podcasts, movies, and games Photo from

12 J

13 K

14 L

15 M

16 N

17 O

18 P-Podcast A podcast is an audio or video episode that can be enjoyed at any time Podcasts can be enjoyed on a computer or on a portable mp3 device like an iPod Here’s an example of a podcast for education

19 Q

20 R

21 S

22 T

23 U

24 V

25 W- Wiki A wiki is an easily edited webpage that allows many people to contribute information. Wikipedia is a famous example of a wiki Here’s how Roosevelt Elementary uses a wiki.Roosevelt Elementary

26 X

27 Y

28 Z

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