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MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Initial MELFI Facility.

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Presentation on theme: "MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Initial MELFI Facility."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Initial MELFI Facility Operations Round Table Discussion POIWG #20 Jenn Whitworth MELFI Ops Lead 256-961-1604

2 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 2 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Initial Planned Operations  Transfer/Installation  Unpowered Activities  Activation and Checkout  Functional Checkout  Science Storage (TROPI/POEMS)  MELFI On Orbit Commissioning Experiment (MOOCE)

3 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 3 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Transfer and Installation  Transfer will be done per the Flight Plan  Installation will be scheduled during joint ops to allow for activation and checkout the Monday after undock

4 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 4 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Unpowered Activities  Hardware Check  Physical checkout of the rack  Includes check of all box modules and contents  No call downs  Nitrogen Check  Crew checks the Nitrogen Fill and Purge ASE  Only call down is to report N2 pressure  Should be between 7500 and 10000 kPa  MELFI PD will be on console and verify good pressure

5 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 5 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Activation and Checkout  PRO will configure RFCA and close RPCs as close as possible to the crew activity.  The PD does not want water flow through the rack for longer than 30 minutes without power applied  Crew will call down to ensure rack is ready for activation  Rack will not be powered until crew flips main and aux power switches  No data will be seen on the ground until the crew sends the ISS config command from the PCS displays  Activation and checkout is scheduled the day before the Functional checkout  A sample removal is scheduled prior to the functional checkout to remove the 3 500ml MOOCE samples from Dewar 1 to allow for TROPI samples  Stowage location of 500ml samples is TBD. They won’t fit in the rack, external stowage must be located

6 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 6 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Functional Checkout  Highly coordinated ground and crew activity to verify functionality of rack  MELFI PD will perform ALL ground commanding  PRO has GCP in the event the PD is unable to command  Several ground commanding steps required prior to crew activities  6 crew activities  Each activity is a separate step in the procedure  Each step requires S&KU coverage  Most steps have an “On-POIC-GO” before crew actions  Most steps require PD to send a command before GO can be given  Sufficient time should exist in crew activities to allow for commanding  Minor deviations may have to be taken to recover invalid valves  At the end of the crew activities all 4 Dewars will be active  PD will deactivate Dewars 3, and 4 and leave Dewars 1,2 set to – 95°C and cooling to support TROPI and POEMS

7 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 7 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Nominal Operations  Nominal commanding will be handed over from PD to PRO  PRO will be responsible for any nominal commanding i.e. dewar activations/deactivations, etc.  PRO will also be responsible for any Brayton power downs/power ups for dockings, undockings, etc  MELFI timeliner bundle will be part of HAL-2 for nominal operations  Anomaly resolution:  The PRO will repower the rack if power is lost due to system issues then contact PD  PRO will call PD immediately if MELFI anomaly occurs  Status tagup will occur between ops lead, PSE, and PD as required to discuss facility operations and issues  Patterned after the ERPS meeting

8 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 8 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Science Storage - Facility Comments  60-second requirement  not only for sample preservation, also for motor protection  KSC ground test data for Dewar starting at -95°C:  Tray extended for 35 seconds - Dewar warmed up 2°C  Tray extended for 2 min 41 seconds - Dewar warmed up 9°C  Tray extended for 24 minutes during load of icepacs - Dewar warmed up 37°C  The Dewar containing TROPI could possibly be deactivated prior to TROPI being removed to avoid the 60 second constraint and induce less stress on the motor  Consideration is being given to deactivating the Dewar/stopping the motor for POEMs removal as well  Current OOS has POEMs insertions before and during MOOCE  Should not be an issue as long as Dewar is stabilized before the next MOOCE insertion  Consideration is being given to moving POEMs operations to Dewar 1 after 12A docked ops to separate MOOCE and POEMs

9 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 9 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama MOOCE  PD will perform any necessary nominal commanding  Dewar configurations, etc.  Brayton power downs/power ups for dockings, undockings, etc  They will not support 24x7, but will adjust support schedule around any commanding  PRO will be responsible for rack when PD is off console  The PRO will repower the rack if power is lost due to system issues then contact PD  PRO will call PD immediately if MELFI anomaly occurs  To perform MOOCE ops, an ELC is required  ERO and EXPRESS Ops Lead still determining which ELC will be used  Execution note update will be required once ELC is known

10 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 10 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama MOOCE – cont.  MOOCE activity order (repeated 3 times)  2ml insertion  2ml removal/5ml insertion  5ml removal  Data downlink via OCA  100 SS insertion  100 SS removal/500ml insertion  500ml removal  Data downlink via OCA  Data collection cannot exceed 3 days for any sample, otherwise file will be too large to fit on a floppy for transfer to the OCA machine  Third time through the sequence there is a NRT video requirement for the 100 SS removal/500ml insertion

11 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 11 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama PCS Displays  PCS is considered a Core System  ODIN ‘owns’ the PCS software/hardware and will perform the uplinks to load patches and updates  MELFI displays are a patch to the core software  Currently the plan is to manifest an A31p with a hard drive that contains the MELFI displays on ULF1.1  This will be the only PCS hard drive that contains the MELFI patch.  ODIN group will contact Ops Lead with appropriate S/Ns etc once they are known.  Execution note update for PCS setup is required – work during JIT process  For MELFI Displays to work  Can only use UOP 1-J3 or UOP 3-J4 ( PL Bus 1 or 2)  Correct Display Definition Configuration Table (DDCT) files will need to be loaded on the PLMDM  PRO will uplink DDCT files to PLMDM as part of nominal operations  Core commands and Core ECW will not be available when PCS is connected to the above UOPs

12 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 12 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Issue - Invalid Valves  Expected condition  Dewar valves may occasionally not close all the way  Software may not know where valves are located  Valves must be valid prior to setting a Dewar  Ground commands are required to revalidate an invalid valve  PRO has a GCP to perform this operation since it is expected and not an actual anomaly  Expect invalid valves during the Functional Checkout  Before giving the crew a GO to activate Dewar, PD will have to command from ground to “fix” Dewar valve  Once GO is given, the crew will have to re-actuate the manual mode switch on the EU front panel

13 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 13 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Issue - Door Cable  MOOCE door cable runs through one of the hinge bolt holes.  The cable is long and can cause problems opening and closing the Dewar door if the tape holding it down comes loose.

14 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 14 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Issues - LTL Temp  MELFI was designed to operate at LTL Temperatures between 3.3 and 7.2°C  Current documentation (URC, GR&C, GCP, Pld Regs, Flight Rules) state that MELFI requires LTL temps between 3.3 and 7.2°C and cannot operate at temps above 10°C  All documents will need to be updated once agreements with MOD/PEI/Project Office/ESA are in place  Testing late last year showed that MELFI can operate at water temperatures up to 11°C provided sufficient flowrate and power is available  LTL is currently being run at ~ 14°C  Condensation collection issues and ECLSS hardware issues drive temperature higher than spec.  PEI moving forward with 2 requests  External setpoint for MOOCE operations to allow 7°C inlet temperature  External setpoint for nominal operations to ensure inlet temperature don’t exceed 11°C

15 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 15 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Flight Documentation Status  MELFI PSM/MOOCE PSM  Approved by NPOCB, completing actions on CCBD  GCP  Approved by PODFCB, final document posted on RICO page  Forward work – update activation procedure for LTL flow vs temp constraints  Crew Procedures  90% complete  Forward work:  1 ECR to be submitted end of Jan  Transition set to the Flight Library  1 OCR to update appropriate locations for 500ml samples in MOOCE procedure

16 MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 16 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Flight Documentation Status - con  Pld Regs  Draft regs available  Forward work – incorporate regs into appropriate book (inc specific vs generic)  Flight Rules  Several rules published  Maintenance requirements  8 hour pwr off requirements  LTL requirements  Brayton machine pwr down requirements  Forward work  update LTL rule with new information on flow rates, temperature limits, and power constraints  Determine if/when to transfer MELFI rules to generic book  IMS  Forward work – IMS needs to be updated per changes at KSC week of 1-23.  All spare MELFI Support equipment has been moved into Dewar 3. This includes desiccant packs, vial cards, vial bags, contact cards

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