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Chapter 10 Consistency Management Cooperative Discipline (CMCD)

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Consistency Management Cooperative Discipline (CMCD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Consistency Management Cooperative Discipline (CMCD)

2 5 Themes of CMCD Prevention Caring Cooperation Organization Community

3 Theme 1: Prevention 80% of management problems are preventable. Classroom Constitution Proactive vs. Reactive Procedures  Jobs

4 Key Concepts School-wide continuity of actions and expectations and commitment to giving students consistent messages about self- discipline Person-centered classrooms (emphasizing caring, guidance, and cooperation) rather than teacher-centered classrooms Students who are citizens not tourists Teachers who support five themes: prevention, caring, cooperation, organization, and community

5 More key concepts.. Teacher is instructional leader. All students have the ability to be a leader. Warm and supportive but firm environment. Teachers and students share leadership responsibilities. Students need a reasonable amount of freedom in the classroom. Consistency vs. Rigidity

6 Theme 2: Caring Environment Trust. Administrators’ actions allow students to see them as more than disciplinarians. Library media specialist features new displays of student work, hobbies, and interests. Whole school celebrates events. Birthdays, hair cuts, new clothes.

7 Theme 3: Cooperation Work together, plan, and participate in shared decision making and instruction. Ownership and involvement creates more opportunity for self-discipline. Voting

8 Theme 4: Organization Managers Procedures and routines – practiced over and over Teaching time gained

9 Theme 5: Community Guest speakers Parental involvement

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