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日本語 にほんご Nihon-go. 1 Overview of Week 2 ’ s session 1.Course overview 2.What ’ s easy about nihongo 3.Greetings and useful phrases 4.Meeting someone for.

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Presentation on theme: "日本語 にほんご Nihon-go. 1 Overview of Week 2 ’ s session 1.Course overview 2.What ’ s easy about nihongo 3.Greetings and useful phrases 4.Meeting someone for."— Presentation transcript:

1 日本語 にほんご Nihon-go

2 1 Overview of Week 2 ’ s session 1.Course overview 2.What ’ s easy about nihongo 3.Greetings and useful phrases 4.Meeting someone for the first time 5.Basic sentence structure 6.Reading and writing hiragana

3 Key Module Information 1 Please have your own copy of the essential text and bring to each session: Japanese for Busy People 1 3 rd edition kana version – recommended for continuing study - supplementary sheets available on KLE Or Romanized version (easier to start with) Available from Waterstone’s Bookshop; Library 2

4 3 Key Module Information 2 Participation and practice – vital Regular self-study – use of course text; CD, vocabulary, structure, writing Communication - make ‘tomodachi’ and practice together Any problems, contact the tutor/office as soon as possible

5 4 Key Module Information 3 Assessment 1.‘Portfolio’ Element (20%) - Class attendance/performance - KLE tasks and quizzes - Class Test in Week 8 2. Listening Test (20%) – Week 11 3. Oral Test in pairs (20%) – Week 12 4. 2-hour Written Examination (40%) - January

6 5 Easy Nihongo 1 – Sounds Key to Pronunciation – a, i, u, e, o Almost always with one of a, i, u, e, o (except n/m) – ka, ki, ku, etc. Fewer consonants – k, s, t, n, etc. No ‘ stress ’ or ‘ tonal ’ Careful – long sound/short sound obaasan v obasan shuujin v shujin

7 6 Let ’ s try – Greetings O/ha/yo/o. O/ha/yo/o go/za/i/ma/s(u). Ko/n/ni/chi/wa. Ko/n/ba/n/wa.

8 Saying goodbye Sayoonara. Jaa mata. (See you again). 7

9 8 Useful Phrases A: Do/o/zo. B: Do/o/mo. A/ri/ga/to/o. Doomo arigatoo.

10 9 Easy nihongo 2 - Rules Nouns - no plural or gender No verb conjugation for basic polite (one for all) 2 basic tenses only - non-past (present and future) - past Question - just add ‘ ka ’ at the end

11 Introducing oneself 1 - short version 1.Hajimemashite. (How do you do?) 2.[Name] desu. (I am…) 3.Doozo yoroshiku. (Pleased to meet you). 10

12 11 Introducing oneself - saying more about yourself (No need to say ‘ I ’ - watashi) 1: [your name] des(u). 2: Ga/k(u)/se/e des(u). Se/n/se/e des(u). I/sha des(u). Gakusee: student; Sensee: teacher; Isha: doctor; Insee: post graduate;

13 12 Self introduction 2 – nationality, home town, (present) home 3. Nihon-jin desu. igirisu; ueeruzu; sukottorando; airurando; chuugoku; kankoku 4. [Home town] kara desu. kara: from 5. Uchi wa [place] desu. uchi: home wa: Topic marker, ‘as for’

14 13 Introduction - set phrases recap Beginning : Ha/ji/me//ma/sh(i)/te. Hajimemashite: greeting on 1 st meeting End: Do/o/zo yo/ro/sh(i)/ku. or Yorosh(i)ku onegai shimasu.

15 14 Introduction - Putting it all together 0 Beginning phrase 1 Name 2 Occupation 3 Nationality 4 I am (originally) from… 5 (Current) Home 6 Ending phrase

16 15 Putting it all together - answers 0 Beginning phrase: Hajime mashite. 1 Name: (Watashi wa) [Name] desu. 2 Occupation: (Watashi wa) Gakusee desu. 3 Nationality: (Watashi wa) Igirisu-jin desu. 4 Home town: (Watashi wa) ‘Stoke’ kara desu. 5 Home: Uchi wa ‘Oaks’ desu. 6 Ending phrase: Doozo yoroshiku.

17 16 Hiragana a あ i い u う e え o お /site/hiragana/hiragana.html

18 17 Reading 1.あ い (love) 2.え (picture) 3.あ お (blue) 4.う え (top) 5.いい (good)

19 18 Quiz – Nihongo de, nan desu ka (What is it in Japanese?) 1.Early morning greeting 2.Mid-day greeting 3.Thank you. 4.How do you do? (1 st meeting) 5.I am a student. 6.I am from Crewe. 7.Nice to meet you.

20 19 Nihongo de nan desu ka? Kotae What is it in Japanese? Answers 1.Ohayoo. / Ohayoo gozaimasu. 2.Konnichiwa. 3.Doomo. / Arigatoo. 4.Hajimemashite. 5.(Watashi wa) gakusee desu. 6.(Watashi wa) Crewe kara desu./ Uchi wa Crewe desu. 7. Doozo yoroshiku.

21 20 More useful phrases Su/mi/ma/se/n. (for apology, attracting someone’s attention and for gratitude) [Gomennasai for apology in more informal personal situations.] A: Doomo arigatoo. B: Iie. Doo I/ta/shi ma/shi/te. (You are welcome).

22 In the nihongo sessions… - Addressing the tutor: Hitomi sensee or Tobe sensee - Addressing fellow students [Name] san (the most widely used) (There are others…[Name] kun for boys chan for girls) N.B. NEVER use ‘san’ after your own name! 21

23 22 Questions and answers Q - Just add ‘ka’ at the end. Are you…? Q: XXX san desu ka. Aa: Hai, XXX desu. An: Iie, +++ desu. Q:Tanaka-san wa sensee desu ka. Aa: Hai, sensee desu. An: Iie, gakusee desu.

24 Asking questions cont’d. Q: Amerika-jin desu ka. A: Hai, Amerika-jin desu. or Iie, (Your own answer) desu. Q: Uchi wa Newcastle desu ka. A: Hai,… or Iie,…(Your own answer). 23

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