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The three little pigs.

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1 The three little pigs

2 Once upon a time, there was a mother pig who had three little baby pigs. The three little pigs grew so big that their mother said to them, “You guys need to go by yourself and find a new place. Be careful of the wolf.”

3 The first pig saw a man with straws and wanted him to help build a house so the wolf doesn’t get to him.

4 The pig was so happy when he finished his house
The pig was so happy when he finished his house. Then the pig saw the wolf and said, “Leave wolf! Leave!”

5 Then the wolf sneezed and blew the pig house down
Then the wolf sneezed and blew the pig house down. One of the neighbors called 911 and the wolf ran away.

6 The cops showed up and found hair which they packed in an evidence bag to take to the lab to find out whose it is.

7 The second little pig and the third little pig went on along the road
The second little pig and the third little pig went on along the road. Soon they met a man who was carrying some sticks.

8 “Please will you give me some sticks,” asked the second little pig
“Please will you give me some sticks,” asked the second little pig. “I want to build a house for myself.” The guy said, “Sure.”

9 When the pig built his house he saw a wolf
When the pig built his house he saw a wolf. The wolf said, “Can I talk to you for a second??” The pig said, “Leave!”

10 The wolf had to sneeze and he blew the pig sky high
The wolf had to sneeze and he blew the pig sky high. The guy who gave the pig sticks called the cops who came right away, but the wolf was already gone.

11 The cops found more hair evidence matching the same hair as before which they took to the lab.

12 The third pig built his own house out of bricks because he’d heard that the wolf was destroying his brother’s houses.

13 When the wolf showed up at the third pigs house, the pig called the police right away. When they arrived, the wolf was trying to get into the house, but the pig whacked him on the head with a frying pan.

14 With the wolf knocked out, the police were able to take a sample of his hair before they arrested him.

15 Back at the lab, the Forensic team looked at the hair samples under the microscope. They discovered that the hair scales found on the outer layer were petal-shaped...meaning they come from an animal.

16 Next, they looked at the medulla which is found in the very center of the hair. They discovered that it was very wide and dark. That meant it came from an animal.

17 Lastly, they looked at color. also known as pigment
Lastly, they looked at color...also known as pigment. This was very, very black. matched the color of the wolf!

18 Based on the evidence, the police were able to arrest the wolf for destroying the pigs homes. The third pig lived comfortably in his nice warm brick house. “No one will ever be able to huff and puff and blow my house down!” said the happy little pig.

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