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Plotting ELEC 206 Computer Applications for Electrical Engineers Dr. Ron Hayne.

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Presentation on theme: "Plotting ELEC 206 Computer Applications for Electrical Engineers Dr. Ron Hayne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plotting ELEC 206 Computer Applications for Electrical Engineers Dr. Ron Hayne

2 206_M42 Two-Dimensional Plots  x-y Plot x-axis independent variable y-axis dependent variable x = [1:10]; y = [58.5, 63.6, 64.2, 67.3, 71.5,... 88.3, 90.1, 90.6, 89.5, 90.4]; plot(x,y)

3 206_M43 Basic Plotting  Labels plot(x,y) title('Lab 1') xlabel('Voltage') ylabel('Current') grid on plot(x,y), title('Lab 1'), xlabel('Voltage'), ylabel('Current'), grid on

4 206_M44 Basic Plotting  Figure Control pause, pause(n) figure, figure(n)  Multiple Plots hold on, hold off plot(X, Y, W, Z) plotyy(X, Y, W, Z)  Subplots subplot(m,n,p) m-by-n grid pth window

5 206_M45 Basic Plotting  Style Control  Axis Scaling axis, axis(v) v = [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]  Annotation legend('string1', 'string2') Line TypeIndicatorPoint TypeIndicatorColorIndicator solid - point. blue b dotted : circle o green g dash-dot -. x-mark x red r dashed -- plus + black k

6 206_M46 Example figure(3) x = 0:pi/100:2*pi; y1 = cos(4*x); y2 = sin(x); plot(x,y1,':r',x,y2,'--b')

7 206_M47 Other Plots  Polar Plots polar(theta,rho)  Example figure(4) polar(x,y1,':r') hold on polar(x,y2,'--b')

8 206_M48 Other Plots  Logarithmic Plots semilogx(x,y) semilogy(x,y) loglog(x,y)  Bar Graphs and Pie Charts bar(x), barh(x) bar3(x), bar3h(x) pie(x), pie3(x)  Histograms hist(x), hist(x,bins)

9 206_M49 Problem Solving Applied  UDF Engine Performance Problem Statement Calculate the velocity and acceleration using a script M-file Input/Output Description Velocity Start Time = 0 sec Acceleration Final Time = 120 sec Time Increment = 10 sec

10 206_M410 Problem Solving Applied Hand Example velocity = 0.00001 time 3 - 0.00488 time 2 + 0.75795 time + 181.3566 acceleration = 3 - 0.000062 velocity 2 For time = 100 sec  velocity = 218.35 m/sec  acceleration = 0.04404 m/sec 2 Algorithm Development (outline) Define time matrix Calculate velocity and acceleration Output results in table

11 206_M411 MATLAB Solution clear, clc %Example 4.3 %These commands generate velocity and acceleration %values for a UDF aircraft test %Define the time matrix time = 0:10:120; %Calculate the velocity matrix velocity = 0.00001*time.^3 - 0.00488*time.^2... + 0.75795*time + 181.3566; %Use calculated velocities to find the acceleration acceleration = 3 - 6.2e-5*velocity.^2; %Present the results in a table [time', velocity', acceleration']

12 206_M412 Table Output

13 206_M413 Plotting Results %Create x-y plots plot(time,velocity) title('Velocity of a UDF Aircraft') xlabel('time, seconds') ylabel('velocity, meters/sec') grid on % figure(2) plot(time, acceleration,':k') title('Acceleration of a UDF Aircraft') xlabel('time, seconds') ylabel('acceleration, meters/sec^2') grid on



16 206_M416 Plotting Results %Use plotyy to create a scale on each side of plot figure(3) plotyy(time, velocity,time,acceleration) title('UDF Aircraft Performance') xlabel('time, seconds') ylabel('velocity, meters/sec') grid on


18 206_M418 Three-Dimensional Plotting  3-D Line Plot plot3(x,y,z)  Surface Plots mesh(z), mesh(x,y,z) surf(z), mesh(x,y,z) shading, colormap  Contour Plots contour(z), contour(x,y,z) surfc(z), surfc(x,y,z)

19 206_M419 Example figure(5) z=peaks(25); surfc(z) colormap(jet)

20 206_M420 More Plotting  Creating Plots from the Workspace Window Plotting Icon  Editing Plots from the Menu Bar Copy Figure

21 206_M421 Summary  Two-Dimensional Plots  Problem Solving Applied  Three-Dimensional Plots  End of Chapter Summary MATLAB Summary Characters, Commands and Functions

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