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1 Marie-Pierre Bès Professor of economy at ISAE (Engineering School in Aeronautics and Space) University of Toulouse laboratoire LISST (CNRS and U. Toulouse.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Marie-Pierre Bès Professor of economy at ISAE (Engineering School in Aeronautics and Space) University of Toulouse laboratoire LISST (CNRS and U. Toulouse."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Marie-Pierre Bès Professor of economy at ISAE (Engineering School in Aeronautics and Space) University of Toulouse laboratoire LISST (CNRS and U. Toulouse II) Research topics focused on Socio-economics Accreditation to supervise research since 2007 1 Meeting in Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública, 7 May 2009.

2 2 Research topics and application areas Research topics : - Economy of knowledge and innovation - Knowledge Management - Sociology and economics of science - Economic Sociology - Sociology of Networks Application areas : - Space and aeronautical activities - Science and industry links - Public Health 2

3 3 LISST Presentation LISST = CERS + CIEU ( urban studies) + CA ( anthropology) - CERS : Sociology = Center about Study in Rationality and Knowledge, with 3 teams - Related to Association Française in Sociology, Association Internationale de Langue Française en Sociology, Sun Belt, International Network about N.A. (INSNA) - M-P. Bès & A. de Federico de la Rua : member of CERS and precisely a group specialized in social networks and knowledge with different subjects as networks about students, engineers, publications, job market, firm creation, etc. - Michel Grossetti, Head of CERS wants to create a Mediterranean South Belt about Network and RESTO 3

4 Research about Health at LISST - Group in LISST with interdisciplinary approach about the questions on Health - Team specialized in Sociology of Health managed by François Sicot (social problems and risks)  Partners : - In Toulouse, Group which coordinates research on Health and Society = Institut Fédératif d’Etudes et de Recherches Interdisciplinaires Santé Société (CNRS, INSERM, Universities)

5 5 Ph D. Thesis Supervisor 2004- : J. Jimenez, the use in the new technologies of telecommunication and information for the diffusion in medical knowledge, U. Toulouse II. 2005- (with A. Minda) : Yasmina Zniber, performance industrial indicators in environment, funded by ADEME and Airbus, U. Toulouse I. 2009 (with R. Bastide) : Adrien Defossez, Networks on exchange about e-health, funded by Local Agency of Territorial Development (Technopole located in Castres, middle area near Toulouse), U. Toulouse II & ISIS ( Engineering School in Computer applied to Health located I Castres ) Waiting for financial decision 5

6 6 Tie with Jaime Jimenez-Pernett Master in Economics (Industrial Relations and Knowledge Economics) in 2004 about Impact NTIC on Growth (the case of Brazil): - Reading a lot of references about theory of development - test with several data obtained by himself Agreement to supervise (with another colleague at first) his PhD. Thesis about Health and Internet started in 2005 (stopped in 2006)  Attempt to find an coherent field in Economics to understand the behaviors of individuals in the case of Health.  Contact with the French Sociology of Health  Discussion about 2 central notions : Virtual Community and Trust  decision to put the thesis on the Economics of Institution. 6

7 7 The project about Networks about e-health The area of Castres (Hospital and pharma- firm) is designed as one of the National Experimental District about Health and precisely on Cancer  Needs to develop several computer tools for patients (ISIS cooperation)  Needs to understand the sociological reality about sources of information for patients : - Did they speak With family ? With doctors ? With friends ? - Did they read revues ? Which ones ? - Did they refer to web sites ? Internet list ? Which ones?

8 8 Ph. Thesis in Social Sciences Need to get a applied study conducted in collaboration with the Hospital at Castres to know the practices of exchange and information before implemented different e-tools. That implies an extended and complex study to : - Identify a significant panel of patients - Build a correct methodology for inquiry at the 2 levels of scale : institutions (hospital, sites, public agencies) and individuals (networks, informal groups, social circles, etc.) - Observe the change in time : 3 series of interview Project based on the idea to identify the isolation of patient with Network approach and to suggest actions.

9 9 Network analysis applied to Health Adrien Defossez conducted his Master Research with M-P. Bès about networks in Science (see later the results) in 2007 Transfer of the methods to the case of patients and questions about the network structure : - Are there some central or intermediary actors in e-health? - Are there structural holes in this Local area ? Which ones ? - Which social levels are pertinent for these questions ? = link with the questions asked by Jaime Jimenez

10 Publications in english M. Grossetti & M-P. Bès (2001), "Interacting individuals and organizations: a case study on cooperation between firms and research laboratories", in Kirman A. & Zimmermann J-B., Economics with heterogeneous interacting agents, Springer, p. 287- 302. M-P. Bès, “The Division of Scientific Labour: the new Wealth of Nations?” in B. Laperche & Uzunidis (ed.), Genesis of Innovation: Systemic Linkages between Knowledge and Market, Elgar, 2007. M-P. Bès, A. Defossez & F. Rodriguez (a), “The French research system : which evolution and which borders?”, EAEPE Conference, Porto (Portugal) 1-3 november 2007.

11 Social Network Method Applications Science-industry networks Personal networks for people with gambling problems (UQAM University Montreal) Doctoral Student’s Networks for job searching

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