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South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project Joint ASCLME/SWIOFP Policy and Governance Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project Joint ASCLME/SWIOFP Policy and Governance Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project Joint ASCLME/SWIOFP Policy and Governance Assessment

2 SWIOFP Study Area

3 Objectives of SWIOFP o To identify and study exploitable offshore fish stocks within the South West Indian Ocean, more specifically, to determine existing fishing pressure on these stocks and to investigate the role of environmental influences on the life histories, seasonal variability and health of stocks in order to differentiate between environmental and anthropogenic impacts; o To develop institutional and human capacity through training and career opportunities; and o To develop a regional fisheries management structure and associated harmonised legislation in collaboration with the SWIOFC. o To identify and study exploitable offshore fish stocks within the South West Indian Ocean, more specifically, to determine existing fishing pressure on these stocks and to investigate the role of environmental influences on the life histories, seasonal variability and health of stocks in order to differentiate between environmental and anthropogenic impacts; o To develop institutional and human capacity through training and career opportunities; and o To develop a regional fisheries management structure and associated harmonised legislation in collaboration with the SWIOFC.

4 Scientific Components of SWIOFP SWIOFP is being implemented through six components, which are aimed at achieving the objectives stated above. The six components of SWIOFP are as follows:  Data gap analysis, data archiving and information technology;  Assessment and sustainable utilization of crustaceans;  Assessment and sustainable utilization of demersal fishes (excluding crustaceans);  Assessment and sustainable utilization of pelagic fish;  Mainstreaming biodiversity in national and regional fisheries management; and  Strengthening regional and national fisheries management. SWIOFP is being implemented through six components, which are aimed at achieving the objectives stated above. The six components of SWIOFP are as follows:  Data gap analysis, data archiving and information technology;  Assessment and sustainable utilization of crustaceans;  Assessment and sustainable utilization of demersal fishes (excluding crustaceans);  Assessment and sustainable utilization of pelagic fish;  Mainstreaming biodiversity in national and regional fisheries management; and  Strengthening regional and national fisheries management.

5 Outputs ComponentsMain Outputs Data and Information TechA database of existing data relevant to SWIOFP + new data, A fisheries data atlas for the South West Indian Ocean CrustaceansCurrent status of important species, threats matrix, regional and sub regional management issues, identification of bycatch most impacted by commercial fishing gear DemersalCurrent status of important species, threats matrix, regional and sub regional management issues, identification of bycatch most impacted by commercial fishing gear PelagicsCurrent status of important species, threats matrix, regional and sub regional management issues, identification of bycatch most impacted by commercial fishing gear BiodiversityBiodiversity map with baseline estimate of impacts on non target species, Action plan to mitigate impact of fisheries, monitoring programme Fisheries ManagementHarmonized resource management plans for specific fisheries, will feed into TDA and SAP of the ASCLME, strong management structure in the region

6 Specific Outputs for Governance Assessment Collate and review the fisheries policy making process and the fisheries laws and regulations of the SWIOFP countries and advise on areas where harmonisation is possible. Review the regional fisheries management organsiations in the region and how they could be improved to ensure an LME and ecosystem– based governance approach.

7 Follow Up Actions on the Policy Governance Assessment Develop an Action Plan for implementation Initiate process of training on EAF approach to developing management plans Develop a framework for assisting countries in science to policy and governance process for their respective fisheries including legislations. An EAF approach management plan for one specific fisheries in each of the SWIOFP countries. Strengthening of fisheries bodies as appropriate

8 Thank you

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