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School Age Social and Emotional Development. Friends Peer pressure (the influence of people one’s own age) becomes very important will change their behaviors.

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Presentation on theme: "School Age Social and Emotional Development. Friends Peer pressure (the influence of people one’s own age) becomes very important will change their behaviors."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Age Social and Emotional Development

2 Friends Peer pressure (the influence of people one’s own age) becomes very important will change their behaviors in order to be accepted and fit in Wants to play more with similar friends—girls with girls, boys with boys

3 Friends (cont.) Being with friends becomes increasingly important Don't like stop playing with friends. give them a 5- or 10-minute warning May have a “best” friend and “enemy”, huge part of social interactions

4 Fitting In Competitive, try to boss, and unhappy if they lose. Encourage noncompetitive games and setting individual goals. Try out a new behavior to see how it feels/imitate a friend If not dangerous, ignore/support

5 Active Release tension through physical activity may be extremely active when tired encourage quiet play before bedtime and when tired

6 Adult Attention Become attached to adult other than parents teacher, club leader, caregiver or neighborhood teenager. try to please him or her Compete with other children for attention. Have a strong desire for the affection and attention of parents. Set aside time specifically to listen and talk to children

7 Rules Good and bad defined by what's approved or disapproved of by the family. Interested in rules and rituals Inner control (conscience) is being formed

8 Sensitive Sensitive to personal criticism and do not know how to accept failure. Concentrate on children's successes teach how to learn from criticism. "What would you do differently next time?" Positive self-concept develops with successful experiences. Celebrate positive achievements.

9 Fear Realistic fears replace common preschool fears (ghosts, witches and creatures in dark places) New fears revolve around school, social relationships and disaster. Give realistic information to help handle fears. Never tease or joke about ideas that frighten them.

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