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Review of Causes/Effects of Exploration. ► Lure of wealth from trade ► Power that came from the wealth  Made countries to desire more trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Causes/Effects of Exploration. ► Lure of wealth from trade ► Power that came from the wealth  Made countries to desire more trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Causes/Effects of Exploration

2 ► Lure of wealth from trade ► Power that came from the wealth  Made countries to desire more trade

3 Trade Routes ► Crusades opened up the Far East using the Middle East ► Italians controlled the monopoly with the Middle East  Italians got rich while Europe protested ► Europeans searched for new routes

4 New ships –Caravel Navigation tools –Compass –Astrolabe –Sextant Spread of knowledge –Printing press New Technology

5 ► Portugal ► Spain ► France ► England

6 Portugal ► Invent caravel ► First to map Asian route around Africa

7 ► Columbus sailed west to find Asia ► Granted territory by Treaty of Tordesillas ► Spanish conquistadors claimed much of America ► Encomiendas ► Haciendas ► Colonies  New Spain  Peru Spain

8 FRANCE ► Sought the Northwest Passage ► Cartier  Explored the St. Lawrence River ► Established fur trade ► Colony  New France – Champlain & Quebec

9 ENGLAND ► Sought Northwest Passage ► Cabot  Newfoundland, Canada ► Hudson  Hudson Bay ► Established fishing trade

10 ► Mercantilism ► Changes for Native Americans ► Slavery ► Columbian Exchange

11 Mercantilism ► Colonies exist to make profit for European country ► Favorable balance of trade  Colony produces raw materials for the country  Colony buys finished product from the country

12 Effects on Native Americans ► Death by disease ► Killed by the Spanish ► Loss of freedom and culture

13 SLAVERY ► Brought to Americas to replace Natives  Introduced by Spanish & Portuguese


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