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 Starter – Use the pictures to note down the different categories of wealth acquisition.  Homework – Assignment 1 in homework booklets  Learning Objectives:-

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Presentation on theme: " Starter – Use the pictures to note down the different categories of wealth acquisition.  Homework – Assignment 1 in homework booklets  Learning Objectives:-"— Presentation transcript:

1  Starter – Use the pictures to note down the different categories of wealth acquisition.  Homework – Assignment 1 in homework booklets  Learning Objectives:-  To explore the different ways in which people become wealthy.  To evaluate what constitutes a moral way of gaining wealth and an immoral way of gaining wealth.

2  1) Use p68 to explain each cause of wealth in a bit more depth.  2) Extension – Use p69 to explain what Christians and Buddhists think about each of these.

3  With each of the following ways of acquiring £1 million consider;  What a Christian would say.  What a Buddhist would say.  Whether you think this is a moral way of acquiring wealth.

4  A business based on loans to high risk individuals makes £1 million primarily from high interest rates and asset reclaims.

5  The CEO of a large charity earns £1 million over two years for her work.

6  A group of bank workers acquire £1 million by skimming 0.01% from all bank transactions.

7  A city banker avoids £1million in UK taxes by placing the money in a Cayman Island bank account.

8  An individual spends extra time with an elderly relative and convinces them to change their will to the tune of £1 million for themselves.

9  A government minister receives £1million over four years by allowing individuals to pay to lobby and speak to the prime minister about their interests.

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