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Homework: Assignment 10 for tomorrow (464-470); test Friday Consider: What do you think of when you hear the word, “lobbyist”?

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Presentation on theme: "Homework: Assignment 10 for tomorrow (464-470); test Friday Consider: What do you think of when you hear the word, “lobbyist”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework: Assignment 10 for tomorrow (464-470); test Friday Consider: What do you think of when you hear the word, “lobbyist”?

2 Unit 3a: AP Government and Politics

3 What are the primary ways by which interest groups impact public policy?  L#@bying..  The dirty word in politics – why?  Potential for Corruption?  Jack Abramoff  An important part of the democratic process?  How do they “get in the door”?  Access?  The “trust” factor  The “revolving door” problem…  6/washingtons-revolving-door 6/washingtons-revolving-door  Drafting bills



6  Lobbying Congress  Testimony, letters/emails, campaign $$, meeting face to face (access)  Writing bills  Lobbying the Executive Branch  Growing as Prez has more influence on lawmaking  Numerous levels of the bureaucracy, White House staff,  Lobbying the Courts  Amicus curiae briefs  Sponsoring interested parties  Grassroots Lobbying  Ordinary voters serve as advocates, or contact officials; “folks back home”  Protests and Radical Activism  “unconventional political participation”, sometimes illegal activities Lobbying 15.3

7 Homework: Read 464-470; test Monday Consider: Why do you think lobbyists need to be monitored or regulated?

8 Top industries by spending

9 Spending by interest groups

10 What are the primary ways by which interest groups impact public policy?  $$$  Making contributions through PACs  How do PACs know who to support?  Voter mobilization – “GOTV” efforts Why might this sometimes be difficult?

11 How Much Money Do Interest Groups Spend on Elections? 15.3

12 What makes interest groups successful?  Leaders  Fate of interest groups may lie with their leaders;  Funding and Patrons  Revenue sources: Membership dues, direct-mail solicitations, special events, patrons  Members  Levels of Membership  Leadership  Working members  Dues-paying members  “free riders”  Benefits  AAA (roadside assistance), AARP (discounts)

13 Unit 3a AP Government and Politics

14  Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act (1946) Required registration of lobbyists  Lobbying Disclosure Act (1995) Stricter definition of lobbying, Tougher registration requirements Report clients and issues, Estimate amount paid by clients Regulating Congressional Lobbyists 15.5  Honest Leadership and Open Gov. Act (2007) Bans on gifts; longer “cooling-off periods”

15 Number of lobbyists Why is the number of lobbyists DECREASING?


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