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1. Ocean plates move apart from each other (diverge)

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2 1. Ocean plates move apart from each other (diverge)

3 2. Mountains form because of the uplift of material.

4 3. Faults, like the San Andreas, form. Many earthquakes occur along these faults.

5 4. Subsidence occurs. The Great African Rift Valley is an example.

6 5. Plates moving together (converging) forming a ring of volcanoes around the edges of the continents and encircling the Pacific Ocean.

7 Two plates collide and one is pulled underneath the other at a subduction. The plate that is pulled under melts, creating magma that rises.

8 7. Convergent

9 8. Divergent

10 9. Divergent

11 10. Divergent

12 11. Convergent

13 12. Convergent

14 13. Convergent

15 14. Convergent boundaries Central Plains

16 15. Divergent boundaries Mountains

17 16. Divergent Great Plains

18 17. Transform boundaries Cave Without a Name

19 18. Transform Enchanted Rock

20 19. Subduction zone Caddo Lake

21 20. Crust

22 21. Mantle San Marcos Underground Springs

23 22. 4

24 23. Inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust

25 24. Convection Currents Palo Duro Canyon

26 25. Oceanic

27 26. Continental Llano Estacado (Plain)

28 27. South America and Africa Great Plains

29 28. Alfred Wegener Great Plains

30 29. Where two plates are moving away from each other or divergent boundary. Great Plains

31 30. They walked across a giant land bridge that has weathered away. Great Plains

32 31. B) Asthenosphere Great Plains

33 32. Convection Great Plains

34 33. Plate Tectonics Great Plains

35 34. Lithosphere Great Plains

36 35. Asthenosphere Great Plains

37 36. Pangaea Great Plains

38 37. Moving apart or diverging Great Plains

39 38. Collide or Converge Great Plains

40 39. Mid-Ocean Ridge Great Plains

41 40. Magma Great Plains

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