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Describe the international role of the United States from 1945 through 1960 relative to the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Blockade, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Describe the international role of the United States from 1945 through 1960 relative to the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Blockade, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Describe the international role of the United States from 1945 through 1960 relative to the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Blockade, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

2 Chapter 26

3  March 12, 1947  Truman asks Congress for $400 million dollars to fight Communism  Immediate effects  Stabilize the Greek government  Ease Soviet demands on Turkey  Long Term Goal  Fight Communism worldwide

4  June 1947  George Marshall  Also known as European Recovery Plan  Gave European nations American aid to rebuild their economy  Gave supplies, machinery and food to Western Europe  Soviet Union rejected the help  Goal: weakened the appeal of Communism and opened new markets for trade

5  US feels USSR is trying to undermine the economy in Germany.  US, France and Britain merge their holding in Germany together and call it West Germany  Also known as Federal Republic of Germany  No military, but was independent  The Soviet Zone was then called East Germany.  The USSR is upset about the creation of West Germany.  They feel they will not get the reparations they wanted.

6  In July 1948, the Soviet Union blockaded West Germany.  Truman’s goal was to end the blockade without provoking a fight with the Soviets.  Long Range bombers were placed in Britain.  Cargo planes brought food, medicine and coal into West Germany.  Stalin lifted the blockade on May 12, 1949.  America was determined to stop communism.



9  Created in 1949  Military alliance in Western Europe  Stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization  A mutual defense alliance  US commits to maintain peace in Europe.  NATO led to other peace organizations to be created.  Warsaw Pact (military alliance with East Europe)  Organization of American States  Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

10  A time of tension, confrontation and competition between the US and USSR that lasted from 1946 to 1990.

11  The Red Scare intensifies American’s worries about Communist subversion.  Truman requires government officials take oaths of loyalty.  People were pressured for reading certain books, traveling overseas, watching certain films and belonging to certain organizations.  Those who refused to take the oath of loyalty were fired. Many were heavy scrutinized by the FBI and quit.  Others were fired for questionable loyalty.  State and local government, universities, businesses, unions and churches follow the federal governments example.

12  House Un-American Activities Committee  Founded to investigate Communist and Fascist activities in the US  Formed in 1938  J. Edgar Hoover wanted to explore Communists and Communist sympathizers.  Infiltrate groups and wiretap phones

13  Whittaker Chambers testifies to HUAC that Alger Hiss is a Communist and a spy.  Government official under FDR, at the Yalta Conference, helped organize the UN  Hiss denies all accounts of Chambers  Hiss gave secret documents from the State Department to Chambers.  Hiss denied even knowing Chambers

14  HUAC was ready to drop the investigation until Richard Nixon pressed them to find out who lied.  Later, Hiss admits to knowing Chambers.  Chambers produced secret documents (pumpkin)  Hiss was convicted of perjury.

15  In 1950, Klaus Fuchs admitted giving the USSR help with the atomic bomb.  His testimony led to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg’s arrest for heading a spy ring.  They were executed in June 1953.  Project Venona: focused on finding Communists spies and cracking their secret code.

16  The fear that if one country falls to Communism that those around it will fall and so on until the world is Communist.


18  Americans felt like they are losing the Cold War.  USSR successfully tests atomic bomb  China fell to Communism  Because of the deepening concern that Communists had infiltrated the government and a speech made by Senator McCarthy, Americans are ready to believe McCarthy and start a witch hunt to find all the Communists. (Blacklist)  The lack of evidence and irrational fears cause McCarthy to name people as Communists with little question.

19  Congress passed the Internal Security Act or McCarran Act in 1950.  The act made it illegal to “combine, conspire, or agree with any other person to perform any act which would substantially contribute to... the establishment of a totalitarian government.”  In case of a national emergency, the McCarran Act allowed for the arrest and detention of Communists or Communist sympathizers.

20  Duck and Cover  Fallout shelters were built to protect people from the atomic bomb and the radiation left after the bomb had been detonated.


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