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2011 Canadian Census – Field Management System 2010 MSIS Meeting – Daejeon, Korea Karen Doherty April 26, 2010 2010-04-26 1 Statistics Canada Statistique.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Canadian Census – Field Management System 2010 MSIS Meeting – Daejeon, Korea Karen Doherty April 26, 2010 2010-04-26 1 Statistics Canada Statistique."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Canadian Census – Field Management System 2010 MSIS Meeting – Daejeon, Korea Karen Doherty April 26, 2010 2010-04-26 1 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

2 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 2 Background  Until 2006, the Canadian Census was run as a decentralized operation, with regional offices responsible for distribution, collection, edit and follow-up  In 2006, StatCan introduced the Internet response option which led to a complete overhall of the collection methodology  Moved to a central database to keep track of returned questionnaires from all modes and subsequent edit and follow-up activities

3 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 3 Lessons from 2006  With a centralized approach to recording returned questionnaires, the field offices had to rely on the central Data Processing Centre to advise them of follow-up activities  This process took some time therefore field staff often found themselves following up on households whose questionnaire had already been returned or entered on- line  This led to less than perfect information in the Management Information Systems which had an impact on decisions made about priorities and staff allocations

4 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 4 The Field Management System  Introduced the Field Management System (FMS): Internet application browser interface runs on the same infrastructure as the Internet questionnaire easy and relatively inexpensive to deploy and maintain  Field crew leaders use either their own computer or a laptop provided by StatCan  Field staff use FMS from their own computer or submit input to their crew leader

5 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 5 FMS Access and Security  Restricted to authenticated users with approved userid and password  Information on field position hierarchy, employee in each position, related geographical areas, and user permissions housed in separate back end system  A field officer can see only their own work

6 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 6 FMS Functionality  Non-response Follow-Up (NRFU) assignments  Timely notification lists: updates to field staff on questionnaires received in the Data Processing Centre (via paper, internet or phone)  Field staff pay claims  Action requests: requests for assistance from respondents, for new questionnaires, service in another language, etc.  Messaging: broadcasting and alerts

7 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 7 FMS Functionality  Targeted NRFU: aim collection efforts at areas which will bring in the most benefits from response rate perspective  Visitation Record Data Capture: complete records of questionnaire delivered by hand  MIS system: Up-do-date management, admin and work flow information  Peripheral functions: procedures, process, training materiel, materiel tracking, etc.

8 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 8 Logical Design

9 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 9 Technical Application Design

10 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 10 Screen Shot – My Inbox

11 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 11 Screen Shot – My Assignments

12 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 12 Screen Shot – My Pay Claim

13 2010-04-26 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 13 Conclusion  FMS will: increase the efficiency of collection operations  reduce staff frustration  fewer respondent relations issues  more timely pay for collections stafff reduce response burden decrease clustered non-response increase the quality and timeliness of management information leading to better decision making  Will be integrated into the broader survey collection methodology post Census

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