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2040 LONG RANGE PLAN UPDATE Cost Feasible Plan Development April 27, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "2040 LONG RANGE PLAN UPDATE Cost Feasible Plan Development April 27, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 2040 LONG RANGE PLAN UPDATE Cost Feasible Plan Development April 27, 2016

2 ELEMENTS OF THE LRTP Goals & ObjectivesNeedsAssessment DataForecastsFinancialResources CostFeasiblePlan 2040 LRTP





7 Available Revenue Capacity Programs 2040 Revenue Forecast (in 2016 Dollars) 2021-20252026-20302031-2040Plan Total SIS Highways Construction & ROW $29,072,581$0.00 $29,072,581 Other Arterials Construction & ROW $39,524,194$31,780,822$54,569,892$125,874,908 Transit$15,322,581$13,698,630$22,580,645$51,601,856 Total Capacity Programs$83,919,355$45,479,452$77,150,538$206,549,345

8 Project Cost vs Available Revenue Only $154 Million in SIS and Other Arterial Funds are Available through 2040


10 Public Involvement – Two workshops were held March 1 st in Lynn Haven at the City Hall March 1 st in Panama City at the A.D. Harris Learning Village – Community group presentations Panama City Rotary Club on January 26 th Lynn Haven Rotary Club on March 2 nd Panama City Beach Rotary Club on March 3 rd Panama City Council on Aging on March 3 rd Kiwanis Club on March 23 rd Port of Panama City on March 23 rd Project Management Institute on March 24 th Tyndall Air Force Base on April 6 th Gulf Coast Community College on April 7 th Bay Town Trolley Riders on April 7 th

11 LRTP Steering Committee LRTP Steering Committee has met three (3)times to develop, review, and refine the draft 2040 Cost Feasible Plan – February 16, 2016 – March 6, 2016 – April 7, 2016


13 2040 Cost Feasible Plan We will not have sufficient revenues to meet all of our needs What funding will be available and what new sources could be available? Projects can use Local, State, and Federal transportation dollars Current we are projecting $154 Million in present day dollars. Estimated costs for 2040 Draft Needs Plan projects is $2.1 Billion How do we set priorities within funding constraints?

14 2040 Cost Feasible Plan Developed 4 Cost Feasible Plan Scenarios 1.Based on the current TPO priorities 2.Based on the LRTP Evaluation Criteria 3.Multi-Modal emphasis 4.Hybrid

15 Draft Cost Feasible Plan Scenario 4 – Hybrid Projects NOT Shown in Current Priority Order Project NameFromToImprovementPD&EDesignROWCST/CEI Operations and Maintenance of the current ITS System $500,000 AnnuallyNA $10,000,000 Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects $700,0000 Construction of Sidewalks AnnuallyNA $15,000,000 Public Transportation Capital Improvements $350,000 AnnuallyNA $7,000,000 Transportation System Management (TSM) Improvements $350,000 AnnuallyNA $7,000,000 Regional Trail Program $100,000 AnnuallyNA $2,000,000 SR 22 (Wewa Highway)Business 98Star AvenueWiden to 4 LanesUnderway $3,423,406$7,873,835 US 98 / SR 30A / Panama City Beach Parkway Mandy LaneNautilus DriveWiden to 6 LanesUnderwayFunded$2,094,477$9,634,596 US 98 / SR 30A / Panama City Beach Parkway Nautilus DriveThomas DriveWiden to 6 LanesUnderway$2,106,920$5,277,668$24,277,274 CR 390SR 77US231 (SR75)Widen to 4 LanesUnderway$2,912,958$11,651,833$22,332,600 East Avenue (CR/SR 389)Baldwin RoadSherman AvenueWiden to 4 Lanes$294,926$589,851$2,949,257 East Avenue (CR 389)CR 390Baldwin AvenueWiden to 4 Lanes$993,673$1,987,345$9,936,726$11,427,235 US 98/Thomas Drive Interchange Phase II & III US98Thomas DriveNew InterchangeComplete $2,700,000$14,800,000 2 SR 388/West Bay Parkway East of Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport East of Burnt Mill Creek Widen to 4 LanesCompleteFunded$1,617,727$7,441,544 SR 388/West Bay Parkway East of Burnt Mill Creek SR 77Widen to 4 LanesCompleteFunded$1,100,000$31,777,107 Transmitter RoadUS231 (SR75) SR22 (Wewa Highway) Widen to 4 Lanes$1,193,315$2,386,629$11,933,146$13,723,118 1 Construction for the Thomas Dr. Interchange is only partially funded.

16 Draft Cost Feasible Plan Scenario 4 – Hybrid Projects NOT Shown in Current Priority Order

17 Draft Cost Feasible Plan Scenario 4 – Hybrid Projects NOT Shown in Current Priority Order

18 Draft Cost Feasible Plan Scenario 4 – Hybrid Projects NOT Shown in Current Priority Order

19 Phase is proposed to be funded within the 2040 Cost Feasible Plan Phase is not proposed to be funded in the 2040 Cost Feasible Plan Draft Cost Feasible Plan Scenario 4 – Hybrid Projects NOT Shown in Current Priority Order

20 Comments from April 7 th Steering Committee & Edits to Draft CFP Check on limits for Business 98 Corridor Study that was previously completed. East Avenue Bridge Replacement – Steering Committee & Staff recommendation that Port of Panama City lead funding effort as this is an off system bridge. US98 from Mandy Lane to Thomas Drive had the limits modified to end at Nautilus Drive to be consistent with the on-going PD&E study. This caused the project costs to be reduced. CR390 had the limits changed from SR77 to East Avenue to SR77 to US231. This caused the project costs to increase. The remaining funds allowed us to increase the partial funding on the Thomas Drive Interchange construction phase from $13M to $14.8M. Additionally, $2.7M was added as a ROW phase for Phase III.

21 Where Do We Go From Here

22 Next Steps TPO Review of Draft Cost Feasible Plan – April 2016 Provide Comments by Close of Business May 13, 2016 LRTP Steering Committee Meeting – May 2016 Public Hearing/Plan Adoption – June 2016

23 Recommended Action Review and comment

24 Questions

25 2040 LONG RANGE PLAN UPDATE Cost Feasible Plan Development April 27, 2016

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