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Where Are Migrants Distributed? Chapter 3: Migration Key Issue #2.

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1 Where Are Migrants Distributed? Chapter 3: Migration Key Issue #2

2 Global Migration Patterns  Trends:  Net Out-Migration  Asia, Latin America, & Africa  Net In-Migration  N. America, Europe, & Oceania  Largest flow of immigrants 1.Asia to Europe 2.Asia to NA 3.Latin America to NA  US has more immigrants than any other country (40 million)  US does not have the highest net in-migration rates  Highest net in-migration is in the Middle East  Why?

3 Net Migration by Country Figure 3-7

4 US Immigration Patterns  1 st immigrations happened over 11,000 years ago  Importance of creation stories vs. science  2 nd immigration – Colonization  Primarily from England and Africa  90% of voluntary immigrants before 1840 were from Great Britain  1808 marked the end of the legal slave trade  3 rd Migration – 19 th Century (mid 1800’s to very early 1900’s)  Mostly from Europe  Peaks:  1840’s & 1850’s  1870’s  1880’s  1900-1914  4 th Migration – Latin Americans & Asian  Gradual increase to peaks in 1990’s  Legal vs. illegal immigration

5 Migration to the United States Figure 3-8 9000+ BC First immigrants crossed ice bridge from Asia to NA Colonial Period 1500-mid 1800’s 19 th Century European Immigration Contemporary LCD Migration Primarily English and African slaves Several fluctuations from 1840- 1914 Asia & Latin America influx starting in 1950 - today

6 Migration to the United States from Latin America Figure 3-9

7 Impact of Immigration on the US  European Legacy  Demographic transition  Industrial revolution led to emigration  Today, economies are settled and no “safety valve” needed  Diffusion of Culture  European influence is broad:  Art, philosophy, literature, ethics  Language (chapter 5)  Economics (chapters 9 & 11)  Christian Religion (chapter 6)  Political structures (chapter 8)

8 Impact of Immigration on the US  Unauthorized (undocumented) Immigration  Mexico acounts for approx. 60% of undocumented immigrants  Undocumented workers generally have jobs that most Americans wouldn’t take  Americans are divided as how to deal with these workers  Allow them to stay and work legally  But want to secure borders to limit immigration  Destination of Immigrants  Proximity – Mexican immigrants in TX and CA and Cuban immigrants in FL  Chain migration – migrating to regions with similar culture  Ex. Poles migrating to IL  Economic opportunity also influences destination  Midwest is increasing in immigrant population seeking industrial jobs

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