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RE-ACTIONS TO MODERNITY THE LOST GENERATION. Learning Objectives Identify the origins of the term, “The Lost Generation” (2). Contextualize the emergence.

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Presentation on theme: "RE-ACTIONS TO MODERNITY THE LOST GENERATION. Learning Objectives Identify the origins of the term, “The Lost Generation” (2). Contextualize the emergence."— Presentation transcript:


2 Learning Objectives Identify the origins of the term, “The Lost Generation” (2). Contextualize the emergence of this literary movement (1). Describe the elements of this literary movement. Explain how T.S Eliot and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s work fits this frame. Evaluate the contributions of writers’ works within the historical context of the movement (3). In what way(s) are these works important or relevant now? (5)

3 The Lost Generation First attributed to the men lost during WWI, then to those who survived the destructive war. “You are all the lost generation.”- Gertrude Stein. -Associated with dissolution and a rejection of the modern values

4 Lost Generation Literature Expatriate literature Frequently Autobiographical Characters are self-Indulgence with a cost An uncomfortable almost false enthusiasm Often the characters lack a spiritual foundation Disillusionment with the modern

5 T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)

6 The Wasteland Who is speaking? Why so many narrators? What is the purpose of his work? Each section? What is the message?

7 F. Scott Fitzgerald aka Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (1896-1940) “The Diamond as Big as the Ritz” from Tales of the Jazz Age (1922)

8 F. Scott Fitzgerald "The test of a first-rate intelligence," F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." Binaries, polarity and Fitzgerald’s modern world.

9 Learning Objectives Identify the origins of the term, “The Lost Generation” (2). Contextualize the emergence of this literary movement (1). Describe the elements of this literary movement. Explain how T.S Eliot and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s work fits this frame. Evaluate the contributions of writers’ works within the historical context of the movement (3). In what way(s) are these works important or relevant now? (5)

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