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Robert Budd, Michael St. Denis, D.Env., Joe Roeschen - Revecorp Inc. I/M Solutions May 5-8, 2013 Schaumberg, Illinois.

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Presentation on theme: "Robert Budd, Michael St. Denis, D.Env., Joe Roeschen - Revecorp Inc. I/M Solutions May 5-8, 2013 Schaumberg, Illinois."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert Budd, Michael St. Denis, D.Env., Joe Roeschen - Revecorp Inc. I/M Solutions May 5-8, 2013 Schaumberg, Illinois

2  Vehicle data has become critical to accurate testing and fraud detection  There are many general rules about OBDII vehicles we all use  “Trust but Verify” – we wanted to confirm the rules with I/M field data observations  We found some very interesting and important things  Some vehicles in the fleet that were surprising (some already known, some possibly not)  Examples important to I/M program operations will be given  I/M data “truths” must be understood and applied by VIN in order to be accurate Revecorp Inc.

3  Needed a large data source to develop rigorous statistical confidence in the results  Revecorp has been collecting I/M Data for a very long time – and “normalized” them so they could analysis could be performed across programs  A lot of data, that is very powerful and you can learn a lot from if you look carefully  How much data? Approaching half a billion records. How big is that???  There are about 150 people at the conference, and we want each of you to take some of our data home. So we are going to print it out for you…. Revecorp Inc.

4 Record Count 420,000,000 records Sheets Per Ream 500 sheets Reams per case 10 reams Cases per pallet 40 cases Inches per ream 2.25 inches Attendees 150 people Records per Attendee 2,800,000 records Reams per Attendee 5,600 reams Cases per Attendee 560 cases Pallets per Attendee 14 pallets Height of stack per Attendee 1,050 feet

5  Sears (Willis) Tower is 1,260 feet tall. Revecorp Inc.

6  If we know the rules vehicle OBDII data should follow, when the collected data does not match these rules, we suspect there is fraud. There are several easy examples:  Cars started supporting e-VIN electronically in 2003  All vehicles use CAN communication protocol starting in 2008  No vehicles support the air conditioning monitor (in fact an OBDII simulator commonly used by I/M programs for auditing is set to support the A/C monitor to indicate it is NOT a real vehicle)  No vehicles support the heated catalyst monitor  EPAs readiness exclusion criteria should be specific to the impacted vehicles Revecorp Inc.

7  There are many different naming conventions used in the automotive industry –EPA/Sierra, ACES, Polk, VinPower, NCIB, Federal  It is difficult to merge data by name  RAV4, RAV/4, RAV 4, RAV-4, ……  OEM conventions used from their VIN decoding submissions as per 49 CFR Part 565  We use VIN “Stems” to look at data for a common vehicle  Using VIN stem matching versus Year/Make/Model gives perfect matches and great data resolution Revecorp Inc.

8 1234567891011121314151617 World Manufacturer IdentifierVehicle Attributes Check Digit Model Year Plant CodeSequential Number 2G4WS52M8W1532001 1234567891011121314151617 World Manufacturer IdentifierVehicle Attributes Check Digit Model Year Plant CodeSequential Number 2G4WS52MW1 123456781011 World Manufacturer IdentifierVehicle Attributes Model Year Plant Code Revecorp Inc.

9 yearmakedivisionmodelbasestyleVeh typ 1998GMBUICK CENTURY CUSTOMCENTURYSEDAN 4 DOORP Body typedrivecylinderslitersblock 4DF63.1V Fuel typeGVWR lbsCURB lbsLVW lbsALVW lbsMobile6 class G4464325535553860LDGV Revecorp Inc.

10  All OBDII vehicles in the US are supposed to provide electronic VIN starting in 2005  Some manufacturers started as early as 2000  For model years 2000 to 2004, this can be used to indicate fraud (the vehicle should support e-vin, but nothing is received from the vehicle)  Examples  2001 Ford Focus will return a valid eVIN (valid result will pass checksum calc)  2001 Ford Taurus will return invalid eVIN (junk response won’t pass checksum)  2001 Ford Mustang will return null eVIN (blank) Revecorp Inc.


12  There are some 2008 and one 2009 model year vehicle which are not CAN (55 VIN stems total) Revecorp Inc.


14  With the use of a large data set, good guidance on testing and fraud prevention can be provided  Knowing these is important to avoiding mistakes in OBDII testing  Common standards for storing OBDII data would be helpful - The Remote OBDII guidance document could be used as a start  Please collect information on the specific type of communication protocol successfully used (CAN 11/29 bit, KWP fast or slow initialization, etc.)  We merged the OBDII failure data with recall data and found many vehicles have had recalls for many years, and clearly that information is not being communicated to motorists – but it would help Revecorp Inc.

15  We would like to assist in answering questions about OBDII data observed in the field  Many programs have been very generous with their data, we would like to work with each program to obtain your I/M data  We will take it in any electronic form  We will only use the data in aggregate not disclose the source of the data, but will share the results with you if we find it anomalous (i.e. one piece of equipment is providing incorrect data, your program is showing different data than others, etc.) Revecorp Inc.

16 Contact: Robert Budd 5732 Lonetree Blvd Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 786-1006 x1004 Revecorp Inc.

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