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Making the Most of Parish Buying Robert Kissick National Procurement Officer 26/01/16.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Most of Parish Buying Robert Kissick National Procurement Officer 26/01/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Most of Parish Buying Robert Kissick National Procurement Officer 26/01/16

2 The mission of the Church is the mission of your Parish Please take a couple of minutes to write down the mission of your local parish or church

3 Buying ‘Stuff’ is harder than you think &index=1&list=PLkcgo2RnjCXSNkppn5V1jmG0DA 4J7rwBg

4 A bit about me – Personal Christian for about 20 years Father of 2 boys and married for 12 years Born in Wales moved to London, now live in Cardiff. Serve on a youth team and as a small group leader in my local church National Procurement Officer for the Church of England Member of the Council of Reference for Evangelical Alliance Wales

5 A bit about me – Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply MSc Procurement and Supply Chains BSc International Disaster Engineering and Management 9 years International Emergency Procurement

6 The Future Greater sense of urgency developing within many areas of the Church Greater sense of walls coming down between the Church and the community Greater sense of the walls coming down within the Church

7 What does that mean for the Church

8 Stats a fact! How high would the tower of A4 paper purchased through Parish Buying in a year be? How many photocopies are made each year? How much do CofE parishes spend each year on running costs?

9 Why do we exist? Why How What

10 Why use Parish Buying? No hard sell? Dedicated Customer Service Team? Owned and run by the Church of England? Supplier benchmarking? Great service? 10,000+ members can’t be wrong? Free to Register? One stop shop?

11 Why use Parish Buying? At the heart of everything we do is the desire to support you in fulfilling the mission of your parish

12 Why does Parish Buying work so well? Buy With Confidence Save Time Save Money Major opportunity to release resource (£10 million+ and significant volunteer hours) to support churches in their mission and ministry Better Stewardship

13 How do we support Churches? WHAT HOW

14 WebsiteContacts Email: info@Parishbuying.or Telephone: 0800 368 0887

15 How can we help your Parish? Customer Service Procurement Advice Product Advice Training Funding Mission Data Repository Tender Support Shape Mission

16 What do we do? WHAT

17 What do we do? WHAT

18 What do we do? - Support to reduce costs Cost Reduction Opportunities in many forms Energy brokerage and management services, Photocopying solutions, Telecoms line, call and broadband, Mobile communications, IT Hardware/software, Office solutions & stationary, furniture, boilers, LED lighting Provide procurement expertise in many forms Contract review and Consultancy Services Tendering Services Energy Brokerage IT Technical advice and support Customer Relationship Management Services Long term solutions for ongoing buying needs

19 How to make the most out of Parish Buying? Customer Service Procurement Advice Product Advice Training Funding Mission Data Repository Tender Support Shape Mission

20 How can we help your Parish? How we help? – Procurement Advice, Tender Support and Training How does it fit with our Values? – Buy with Confidence, Save Money, Save Time What does it mean for your Parish? – Confidence when selecting a supplier, You get what you needed, Protection against any challenges on process Demonstrable value for money

21 How to make the most out of Parish Buying? Procurement Advice Training Tender Support

22 How can we help your Parish? How we help? – Product Advice, Customer Service and Data Repository How does it fit with our Values? – Buy with Confidence, Save Time What does it mean for your parish? Identifying what you need Support from people who understand you and your parish (within reason!) Helpful system for recording all key contract end dates

23 How to make the most out of Parish Buying? Customer Service Product Advice Data Repository

24 How can we help your Parish? How we help? - Shape and Funding Mission How does it fit with our Values? – Better Stewardship, Save Money What does it mean for your parish? – Linking the way that you purchase to your mission are you an eco church – are you buying green energy, green office products. Are you eager to undertake mission activity

25 How to make the most out of Parish Buying? Funding Mission Shape Mission

26 What does success look like over the next 3-5 years 20,000 members across the website £10m savings pa of savings released for mission One stop shop for parish purchasing support contracts and advice

27 How best can Parish Buying support you? Customer Service Procurement Advice Product Advice Training Funding Mission Data Repository Tender Support Shape Mission

28 How to make the most out of Parish Buying? Contact Details: Tel: 0800 368 0887 Email: Web:

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