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DESIGN ELEMENTS DeDe Garrett, Andres Morales, Tanisha Kearns.

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Presentation on theme: "DESIGN ELEMENTS DeDe Garrett, Andres Morales, Tanisha Kearns."— Presentation transcript:

1 DESIGN ELEMENTS DeDe Garrett, Andres Morales, Tanisha Kearns

2 Solar Envelope House  What Its Used For?  Keeps heat inside during winter  Keeps cold inside during summer  What It Replaces?  Normal air conditioning and heating  Advantages  Very energy efficient and can heat homes  Disadvantages  Heating depends on the weather due to the sun

3 Green (Living) Roof  What Is It Used For?  Storm management  moderation of heat and cooling  What It Replaces?  The usage of heating  Advantages  Saves money  Save energy  extends the life of a roof by 100-200%  Disadvantages  Costly with repairs  Needs stronger roof beams

4 Fly Ash Bricks  What Is It Used For?  Building things  What It Replaces?  Regular bricks  Advantages  Due to size the usage for mortar reduces 50%  Seepage of water is reduced  Reduces mercury pollution  Does not requires soaking in water for 24 hours  Disadvantages  Limitation on size  Mechanical bonding strength is weak

5 Dual Flush Toilet  What Is It Used For?  To go to the bathroom without using unnecessary water  What It Replaces?  Toilets that flush a lot of water when not needed  Advantages  Lets you decide whether or not to use a high volume flush of low volume flush  Give you the ability to use less water (½ gallon)  Disadvantages  You have to clean it more often.  More expensive

6 Composter  What Is It Used For?  Store waste  What It Replaces?  A landfill  Advantages  Helps plants roots systems grow stronger and produce more crops  Reduces water runoff and saves money on next water bill  Disadvantages  Lots of ammonia  Takes time  Land Required

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