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June 5, 2007 BCC CALLED PUBLIC HEARING ON BZA # VA-07-04-014, 4/5/07 APPLICANT: Mark P. Nasrallah.

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Presentation on theme: "June 5, 2007 BCC CALLED PUBLIC HEARING ON BZA # VA-07-04-014, 4/5/07 APPLICANT: Mark P. Nasrallah."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 5, 2007 BCC CALLED PUBLIC HEARING ON BZA # VA-07-04-014, 4/5/07 APPLICANT: Mark P. Nasrallah

2 CASE:VA-07-04-014 APPLICANT:Mark P. Nasrallah TRACT SIZE:12 acres LOCATION:South side of Windy Ridge Road, 1/8 mile east of Hempel Avenue, shoreline of Lake Down DISTRICT:#1 CASE:VA-07-04-014 APPLICANT:Mark P. Nasrallah TRACT SIZE:12 acres LOCATION:South side of Windy Ridge Road, 1/8 mile east of Hempel Avenue, shoreline of Lake Down DISTRICT:#1 BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND

3 APPLICANT’S REQUEST Variances in R-CE-C zone as follows: 1.Building #2: To construct 5,178 sq. ft. accessory bldg. (detached garage) 34 ft. in height in front yard in lieu of 1,000 sq. ft. and 15 ft. in height; 2.Building #3: To construct 1,476 sq. ft. accessory bldg. (detached garage) 23 ft. in height in lieu of 1,000 sq. ft. and 15 ft. in height; 3.Building #4: To construct 5,270 sq. ft. accessory bldg. (pool house) 27 ft. in height in lieu of 1,000 sq. ft. and 15 ft. in height; and 4.Privacy Wall: To construct 8 ft. high wall (6 ft. with 2 ft. high berm) along front property line and portion of side property line in lieu of 4 ft. high. Said wall to include entry gate 19 ft. in height.

4 ZONING MAP Subject property

5 AERIAL Lake Down

6 SITE PLAN VARIANCE #1: 5,178 sq. ft. Garage VARIANCE #2: 1,476 sq. ft. garage VARIANCE #4: 8 ft. privacy wall VARIANCE #3: 5,270 sq. ft. pool house







13 SITE PHOTOGRAPH Eight (8) ft. walls along Windy Ridge Road

14 BZA FINDINGS The property is 12 acres in sizeThe property is 12 acres in size The property is designated for 1 home per acreThe property is designated for 1 home per acre The property is 400 feet wideThe property is 400 feet wide Surrounding lots are 1 acre in sizeSurrounding lots are 1 acre in size Comparable walls exist along Windy Ridge Rd.Comparable walls exist along Windy Ridge Rd. The variance requests will not adversely impact the surrounding areaThe variance requests will not adversely impact the surrounding area

15 BZA RECOMMENDATION Approved the variance requests in that the BZA found the requests complied with the requirements of Section 30-43, Orange County Code. (Unanimous 6-0 vote)

16 BZA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1.Development in accordance with site plan dated February 14, 2007 and all other applicable regulations; 2.The detached structures shall not be used as separate living quarters; and 3.A flood plain permit shall be obtained.

17 BCC ACTION REQUESTED ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the variance requests consistent with the Board of Zoning Adjustment recommendation.

18 June 5, 2007 BCC CALLED PUBLIC HEARING ON BZA # VA-07-04-014, 4/5/07 APPLICANT: Mark P. Nasrallah

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