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Beginning 1956  Associate of Science Degree included 27 credits of mathematics  Math 12 Plane Trigonometry  Math 13 Analytical Geometry  Math 91 Calculus.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning 1956  Associate of Science Degree included 27 credits of mathematics  Math 12 Plane Trigonometry  Math 13 Analytical Geometry  Math 91 Calculus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beginning 1956  Associate of Science Degree included 27 credits of mathematics  Math 12 Plane Trigonometry  Math 13 Analytical Geometry  Math 91 Calculus  Math 11 College Algebra  Math 92 Calculus  Math 93 Calculus

2 1962 BS & BA in Mathematics BS 40 credits BA 56 credits BA included 16 or more credits of German  111 College Algebra & Trigonometry  112 Analytical Geometry and Intro to Calculus  213 Calculus I  214 Calculus II  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  491 Mathematical Seminar I  492 Mathematical Seminar II  Electives (12 credits) 300 History of Math 313 Applied Math Analysis 331 Statistics 332 Complex Variables 335 Differential Equations 336 Partial Differential Equations 371 Modern Algebra I 372 Modern Algebra II 387 Theory of Equations 420 Probability Theory & Applications Choose 4 of 10 electives

3 1963 BS & BA in Mathematics BS 38 credits BA 54 credits BA included 16 or more credits of German  111 College Algebra & Trigonometry  112 Analytical Geometry and Intro to Calculus  213 Calculus I  214 Calculus II  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  491 Mathematical Seminar I  492 Mathematical Seminar II  335 Differential Equations  371 Modern Algebra I  372 Modern Algebra II  Electives ( 6 credits) 300 History of Math 313 Applied Math Analysis 331 Statistical Methods 332 Complex Variables 335 Differential Equations 336 Partial Differential Equations 371 Modern Algebra I 372 Modern Algebra II 387 Theory of Equations 341 Probability Theory & Applications 302 Foundations of Geometry (new) Choose 2 of 5 electives

4 1963 BS & BA in Mathematics BS 38 credits BA 54 credits BA included 16 or more credits of German  112 Analytical Geometry and Intro to Calculus  213 Calculus I  214 Calculus II  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  491 Mathematical Seminar I  492 Mathematical Seminar II  335 Differential Equations  371 Modern Algebra I  372 Modern Algebra II  Electives (6 credits) 302 Foundations of Geometry 331 Statistical Methods 332 Complex Variables 336 Partial Differential Equations 341 Probability Theory & Applications Choose 2 of 5 electives

5 1965 BS & BA in Mathematics BS 38 credits BA 54 credits BA included 16 or more credits of German  112 Analytical Geometry and Intro to Calculus  213 Calculus I  214 Calculus II  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  491 Mathematical Seminar I  492 Mathematical Seminar II  335 Differential Equations  371 Modern Algebra I  372 Modern Algebra II  Electives (6 credits) 302 Foundations of Geometry 313 Applied Math Analysis (returns) 331 Statistical Methods 332 Complex Variables 336 Partial Differential Equations 341 Probability Theory & Applications Choose 2 of 6 electives

6 1968 BS & BA in Mathematics BS 38 credits BA 54 credits  112 Analytical Geometry and Intro to Calculus  213 Calculus I  214 Calculus II  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  491 Mathematical Seminar I  492 Mathematical Seminar II  335 Differential Equations  371 Modern Algebra I  372 Modern Algebra II  Electives (6 credits) 302 Foundations of Geometry 313 Applied Math Analysis 331 Statistical Methods 332 Complex Variables 336 Partial Differential Equations 341 Probability Theory & Applications 401 Topology (new) Choose 2 of 7 electives

7 1969 BS in Mathematics BS 42 credits  112 Analytical Geometry and Intro to Calculus  213 Calculus I  214 Calculus II  300 Set Theory, Logic, & the Axiomatic Method  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  391 Mathematical Seminar  492 Mathematical Seminar II  334 Differential Equations & Laplace Transforms  371 Modern Algebra I  372 Modern Algebra II  471/472 Introduction to Abstract & Linear Algebra  Electives (6 credits) 302 Foundations of Geometry 313 Applied Math Analysis 331 Statistical Methods Theory of Probability & Statistics 332 Complex Variables 336 Partial Differential Equations 341 Probability Theory & Applications 401 Topology 495 Special Readings Choose 2 of 5 electives

8 1969 BS in Mathematics BS 42 credits  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  213 Calculus II  300 Set Theory, Logic, & the Axiomatic Method  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  391 Mathematical Seminar  334 Differential Equations & Laplace Transforms  471/472 Introduction to Abstract & Linear Algebra  Electives (6 credits) 331 Statistical Methods Theory of Probability & Statistics 332 Complex Variables 336 Partial Differential Equations 401 Topology 495 Special Readings Choose 2 of 5 electives

9 1971 BS in Mathematics BS 42 credits  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  213 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus (new)  300 Set Theory, Logic, & the Axiomatic Method  301 Foundations of Mathematics (replace 300)  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  391 Mathematical Seminar  334 Differential Equations & Laplace Transforms  471/472 Introduction to Abstract & Linear Algebra  371 Linear Algebra (replace)  372 Abstract Algebra (replace  Electives (6 credits) 331 Statistical Methods Theory of Probability & Statistics 332 Complex Variables 336 Partial Differential Equations 401 Topology 495 Special Readings Choose 2 of 5 electives

10 1971 BS in Mathematics BS 42 credits  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  213 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  391 Mathematical Seminar  371 Linear Algebra  372 Abstract Algebra Electives (6 credits) 331 Statistical Methods Theory of Probability & Statistics 332 Complex Variables 336 Partial Differential Equations 401 Topology 495 Special Readings Choose 2 of 5 electives

11 1972 BS in Mathematics BS 45 credits  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  213 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  4 91 Mathematical Seminar  371 Linear Algebra  372 Abstract Algebra  334 Differential Equations & Laplace Transforms (returns)  Electives (6 credits) 302 Foundations of Geometry (returns) 331 Statistical Methods Theory of Probability & Statistics 332 Complex Variables 336 Partial Differential Equations 401 Topology 495 Special Readings Choose 2 of 6 electives

12 1975 BS in Math-Physical Science with emphasis on Mathematics 59 credits  111 College Algebra & Trigonometry (returns)  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  213 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  491 Mathematical Seminar  371 Linear Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  334 Differential Equations  & Laplace Transforms  302 Foundations of Geometry  331 Statistical Methods Theory of Probability & Statistics  332 Complex Variables  336 Partial Differential Equations  401 Topology  495 Special Readings  Chemistry 105  Chemistry 106  Physics 201  Physics 202 Elimination of all electives

13 1977 BS in Math- Physical Science with emphasis on Mathematics 60* credits  Chemistry 105  Chemistry 106  Physics 201  Physics 202  111 College Algebra & Trigonometry  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  213 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  332 Complex Variables  334 Differential Equations  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  401 Topology  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  491 Mathematical Seminar * Math 334 increased by 1 credit hour

14 1977 BS in Math- Physical Science with emphasis on Mathematics 58* credits  Chemistry 105  Chemistry 106  Physics 201  Physics 202  111 College Algebra & Trigonometry  111 Elementary Function Theory  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  213 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  332 Complex Variables  334 Differential Equations  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  401 Topology  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  491 Mathematical Seminar * Math 111 reduced by 2 credit hours

15 1983 BS in Math- Physical Science with emphasis on Mathematics 60 credits  Chemistry 105 / 106  CS 131 Numerical Programming  CS 142 Computer Organization  CS 143 Computer Assembly & Languages  Physics 201/ 202  111 Elementary Function Theory  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  113 Calculus II (number change)  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics (returns)  311 Numerical Methods (new)  321 Mathematical Statistics (returns)  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra (returns)  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  401 Topology  391 Mathematical Seminar  4 34 Differential Equations  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II

16 1985 BS in Mathematics 58 credits  CS 131 Numerical Programming  Applications Program Development I  CS 135 Applications Program Development II  CS 142 Computer Organization  CS 143 Computer Assembly & Languages  Physics 201/ 202  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  311 Numerical Methods  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  434 Differential Equations  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II

17 1986 BS in Mathematics 59 credits  CS 131 Applications Program Development I  CS 135 Applications Program Development II  Physics 201/ 202  Physics 121/ 122/ 221  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  311 Numerical Methods  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  434 Differential Equations  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II

18 1987 BS in Mathematics 59 credits  ISCS 131 Applications Program Development I  CS 135 Applications Program Development II  ISCS 231 Advanced Programming concepts  Physics 121/ 122/ 221  112 Calculus & Analytical Geometry  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  311 Numerical Methods  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  434 Differential Equations  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II

19 1996 BS in Mathematics 55 credits  ISCS 131 Applications Program Development I  ISCS 231 Advanced Programming concepts  CS 142 Introduction to Computer Programming  Physics 121/ 122/ 221  112 Calculus I  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  311 Numerical Methods  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  434 Differential Equations  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II

20 1997 BS in Mathematics 57 credits  CS 142 Introduction to Computer Programming  Physics 121/ 122/ 221  112 Calculus I  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  311 Numerical Methods  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  434 Differential Equations  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  Electives 6 credits from: Physics 122, 221 Computer Science 235, 236

21 2001 BS in Mathematics 48* credits  CS 142 Introduction to Computer Programming  Physics 121  112 Calculus I  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  311 Numerical Methods  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  434 Differential Equations  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II  Electives 6 credits from: Physics 122, 221 Computer Science 235, 236 *Administrative mandate to cut credits

22 2003 BS in Mathematics 48 credits  CS 142 Introduction to Computer Programming  CS 201 Computer Programming II  Physics 121  112 Calculus I  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  434 Differential Equations  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II

23 2007 BS in Mathematics 48 credits  CS 201 Computer Programming II  Physics 121  112 Calculus I  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  434 Differential Equations  441 Advanced Calculus I  442 Advanced Calculus II

24 2012 BS in Mathematics 48 credits  112 Calculus I  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  434 Differential Equations  334 Differential Equations (number change)  441 Advanced Calculus I  441 Intro. to Analysis I (name change)  442 Advanced Calculus II  442 Intro. to Analysis II (name change)  Electives 6 credits from: Math 490 Math Seminar Physics 121, 122, 221 CIS 202 Object-Oriented Programming

25 2013 BS in Mathematics 48 credits  112 Calculus I  113 Calculus II  214 Multivariable Calculus  301 Foundations of Mathematics  321 Mathematical Statistics  332 Complex Variables  334 Differential Equations  343 Linear Algebra  371 Abstract Algebra I  372 Abstract Algebra II  441 Intro. to Analysis I  442 Intro. to Analysis II  Electives 6 credits from: Math 490 Math Seminar Physics 121 Physics 122 Physics 221 CIS 202 Object- Oriented Programming

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