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Understanding Puritanism. What role does God play in Mary’s life? “I have thought since of the wonderful goodness of God to me, preserving me in the use.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Puritanism. What role does God play in Mary’s life? “I have thought since of the wonderful goodness of God to me, preserving me in the use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Puritanism

2 What role does God play in Mary’s life? “I have thought since of the wonderful goodness of God to me, preserving me in the use of my reason and senses, in that distressed time, that I did not use wicked and violent means to end my own miserable life.” “God having taking away this dear child…” “By advantage of some brush which they had laid upon the raft to sit upon, I did not wet my foot which cannot but be acknowledged as a favor of God to my weakened body, it being a very cold time.”

3 Rowlandson Quotes “This was the comfort I had from them, miserable comforters are ye all, as he said.” – Reference to Job 16:2. Job’s faith is tested. God causes him to lose his children and money and he breaks out in boils. – How did this reference Mary’s life? “Where upon I earnestly entreated the Lord,…some sign of hope and relief. And indeed quickly the Lord answered, in some measure, my poor prayers.” – Indian gave her a Bible “Where I found, there was mercy promised again, if we would return to Him by repentance” – What hope did this give her?

4 Causes Isolation in the New World Introversion/Self-absorption in their religion Harshness and dangers of new existence Thought they were “chosen people of God” destined to find a “New JeruSALEM”

5 Effects Severe imposition of religious uniformity Intellectually subtle and rigorous persuasion Interpreted Bible literally Formed religious oligarchies (ruling groups sought to purify church)

6 Theocracy Government controlled by the church Voting, government officers/administrators all through the church Minister= powerful man Could be punished for not attending church Could be suspected of evil-doing for not knowing the catechism

7 Beliefs Universe was God-centered Man=inherently sinful and corrupt Rescued from damnation by divine grace (God selects the “saved”—called the “Elect”) Duty-bound to God’s will that could only be understood by studying Bible Needed to live a righteous life in case you were selected as part of the “Elect”

8 Beliefs cont. Devil constantly tempts toward sin Sought to destroy the “New World” they created Could easily happen due to innate sin Resulted in= presumptuous suspicions Had helpers—witches Could enter a person’s body or assume the shape of an innocent person and condemn others

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