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1 Electron Density Processing Chain: Presentation, Production Status LPCE/CNRS 12-13 February 2007 Alban Rochel, Pierrette Décréau, Jean-Louis Rauch, Jean-Gabriel.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Electron Density Processing Chain: Presentation, Production Status LPCE/CNRS 12-13 February 2007 Alban Rochel, Pierrette Décréau, Jean-Louis Rauch, Jean-Gabriel."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Electron Density Processing Chain: Presentation, Production Status LPCE/CNRS 12-13 February 2007 Alban Rochel, Pierrette Décréau, Jean-Louis Rauch, Jean-Gabriel Trotignon, Xavier Vallières

2 2 Outline  Density Extraction Methods  Magnetosheath  Solar Wind  Plasmasphere  Other  Presentation of the Processing Chain  Decomposition into Plasma Regimes  Production of Plasma Frequency Files  Validation of Plasma Frequency Files  Conversion into Density Archive Files  Delivery Schedule

3 3 Outline  Density Extraction Methods  Magnetosheath  Solar Wind  Plasmasphere  Other  Presentation of the Processing Chain  Decomposition into Plasma Regimes  Production of Plasma Frequency Files  Validation of Plasma Frequency Files  Conversion into Density Archive Files  Delivery Schedule

4 4 Density Extraction Methods: Magnetosheath  Active spectra: resonances  Natural spectra:  Recalibration of potential between each pair of successive active resonances  Search for low cutoff in a search band around the recalibrated potential

5 5 Density Extraction Methods: Solar Wind  Free solar wind: same as magnetosheath  Connected solar wind:  Extraction of the active resonances  Recalibration of the potential between each pair of successive active resonances

6 6 Density Extraction Methods: Plasmasphere  Maximum of the smoothed active spectra active spectrum filtered spectrum f ce fpfp fqfq

7 7 Density Extraction Methods: Plasmasphere Black: max of filtered spectra Green: selected keys Actlev / Natlev > 5 no concurrent max in the filtered spectrum Red: search band based on recalibrated EFW potential Orange: re-selected keys

8 8 Density Extraction Methods: Plasmasphere

9 9  Uncertainty: Half-width of the smoothed spectrum peak (points are removed during the validation process if they appear too uncertain).  No quality field (no relevant quality measurement found)

10 10 Density Extraction Methods: Others  Manually, using various tools

11 11 Outline  Density Extraction Methods  Magnetosheath  Solar Wind  Plasmasphere  Other  Presentation of the Processing Chain  Decomposition into Plasma Regimes  Production of Plasma Frequency Files  Validation of Plasma Frequency Files  Conversion into Density Archive Files  Delivery Schedule

12 12 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Decomposition into Plasma Regimes  The plasma frequency (fp) determination algorithms depend on the plasma regime.  Practically, we split the time-line into « regions » that correspond to various algorithms.  This process is done manually, based on  Active and Natural spectrograms  Predicted events (PET files)  EFW potential  FGM-based fce and fce variance

13 13 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Decomposition into Plasma Regimes 10 days-spectrogram 24h-spectrogram Regions according to PET Hand-determined Regions EFW potential FGM fce FGM fce variance

14 14 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Decomposition into Plasma Regimes Regions Whi binary data PET files EFW cef/cdf FGM cef/cdf Regions files For 1 satellite, for 1 Planning Period 1/day/SC For update/correction Mandatory input Optional input Software Data Hand-produced output Automatically- produced output

15 15 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Decomposition into Plasma Regimes  Sample region file: regions/SC1/20011227.txt

16 16 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Production of Plasma Frequency Files  Based on decomposition into regions:  One file automatically produced for each event  Magnetosheath, free solar wind:  Extraction of active resonances  Extraction on natural low cutoffs based on actives+potential  Connected solar wind:  Extraction of active resonances  Recalibration of potential on actives  Plasmasphere:  Max of smoothed active spectra + selection based on potential and active/natural ratio  Other regions:  No method is reliable enough and generic enough  Manually, during the validation process

17 17 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Production of Plasma Frequency Files Production Whi binary data Automatic Fp file Mandatory input Optional input Software Data Hand-produced output Automatically- produced output Region files Config file: -Time range - Region types 1/day/SC/region

18 18 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Production of Plasma Frequency Files  Sample automatically-produced fp file: magnetosheath/20020102_4_00:00:02:057_10:33:57:492.txt  Various fields:  Time, fp, uncertainty, quality, type of spectrum + additional fields depending of the method used

19 19 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Validation of Plasma Frequency Files  Interactive validation:  Correction/removal of wrong active reference points  Recomputation on time ranges for natural spectra, recalibrating EFW or extracting the low cutoff  Manual determination of active key points, manual choice of applied algorithm (mainly for tail and cusp).

20 20 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Validation of Plasma Frequency Files Active spectro Nat. spectro Algo selection Quality field Potential fitFilter on quality Automatic fp Recalibrated potential

21 21 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Validation of Plasma Frequency Files ValFP Whi binary data Automatic Fp Or Validated Fp Or Density Archive Validated Fp For 1 satellite, for 1 day 1/day/SC Mandatory input Optional input Software Data Hand-produced output Automatically- produced output EFW cef/cdf

22 22 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Validation of Plasma Frequency Files  Sample validated fp file: 20021114_&_15:55:52:288_23:34:49:152.txt  Various fields:  Time, fp, uncertainty, quality, type of spectrum, use of potential, type of validation, algorithm identifier

23 23 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Conversion into Density Archive Files  The conversion is automatic, updating the already existing archives:  Simple data merge if the time stamps do not conflict  Use of the data of best quality/produced with the most reliable algorithm where the time sets intersect.

24 24 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Conversion into Density Archive Files FpToCef Validated fp Density Archive V(x+1) Mandatory input Optional input Software Data Hand-produced output Automatically- produced output Active and Natural Archives Density Archive Vx

25 25 Presentation of the Processing Chain: Conversion into Density Archive Files  Sample archive file: C1_CP_WHI_ELECTRON_DENSITY__20020531_V03.cef

26 26 Outline  Density Extraction Methods  Magnetosheath  Solar Wind  Plasmasphere  Other  Presentation of the Processing Chain  Decomposition into Plasma Regimes  Production of Plasma Frequency Files  Validation of Plasma Frequency Files  Conversion into Density Archive Files  Delivery Schedule

27 27 Delivery Schedule Product20012002200320042005 MSheath 2006-Jun-012006-Sep-012007-May-012007-Oct-012008-Jan-01 SWind 2006-Sep-30 Cusp/ Lobes 2006-Dec-312007-Jan-31 PSphere Tail Case-by-case basis

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