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Conflict Management 3: Strategies for dealing with conflicts through mediation Dimitrina Kamenova VUM, Bulgaria Silvia Koleva Department for modern methods.

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Presentation on theme: "Conflict Management 3: Strategies for dealing with conflicts through mediation Dimitrina Kamenova VUM, Bulgaria Silvia Koleva Department for modern methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflict Management 3: Strategies for dealing with conflicts through mediation Dimitrina Kamenova VUM, Bulgaria Silvia Koleva Department for modern methods of education International Week for the field of Business and Services Tampere, Finland - 2016

2 The Presentation Plan 1)The Model of Mediation 2)The strategies for dealing with conflicts through mediation 3)The process of Mediation 4)The Mediation Techniques

3 The Conflicts Extremely important topic for the contemporary world If there’s no conflict in your life, check whether you have a pulse! Johan Galtung

4 Mutual exclusion Every conflict is actively striving for the achievement of the desired result by one of the parties in the conflict which excludes others to obtain their goals and this results in creating hostility.

5 Reasons (Tabl.1) Incompatible goals Disinformation, lack of information or differences in the manner of its interpretation. Differences in values ​​- lifestyle, religion, political beliefs, etc. Principles we believe in and support. Difference in tasks. Inequitable distribution of resources. Need to maintain the prestige. Power, authority and influence, and how they are used or abused. Barriers to achieve what we rightfully own or what we want from others even without having the right to do so (frustration).

6 The Hostility Cannot be removed when someone loses and other wins!

7 How to deal with it? "It's hard to beat a drum with a sickle!" African wisdom

8 Conflict Management Known methods: Adaptation Compromise Escape Cooperation Violence

9 Method: intervention of a third party Mediation: A method of managing conflicts between two parties by third, which transforms attitudes, goals and interests with regard to their mutual acceptance of a beneficial for all solution.

10 Strategies for dealing with conflicts through mediation Essence: The mediation is a voluntary and confidential process for alternative dispute resolution in which a third party - the mediator, assists the parties in conflict to reach an agreement.

11 The Model of Mediation StrategiesProcess Mediation Techniques

12 Strategy - 1: Facilitation The mediator actively controls the process by offering the parties an appropriate methodology for solving the problem. The mediator receives information from the parties that allows to identify their interests during the conflict. The “facilitative" mediator do not comment strengths or weaknesses of the participants in the conflict or provide solutions.

13 Strategy - 2: Evaluation The «evaluative» mediator provides expert advice and assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the parties' positions. He purposefully controls the process and suggests solutions. A basic technique is the active use of separate meetings.

14 Strategy - 3: Transformation Based on the principle that every conflict inhibits the parties and makes them feel weak and vulnerable. The role of "transformative" mediator – acts upon the conflict, helping the parties to perceive and appreciate the perspective of the other and encourages them to recover their interactions. The mediator monitors their communication and manages the discussion of important questions rather than offering them solutions.

15 Six steps of the process Step O: Obtaining the consent of the parties to enter into mediation process The process of transforming mediation involves five essential steps Look Tabl. №3!

16 First step Listen to both sides and make LIST OF THE GENERAL CONTROVERSIAL QUESTIONS

17 Second step Compiling PLAN OF THE CONTROVERSIAL QUESTIONS 1) The actual issues 2) Blocking emotions 3) Finding a common first topic

18 Third step EXCHANGE OF OPINIONS Basic techniques of mediation See. Tab. №2

19 Fourth step SEARCH OF OPTIONS FOR SOLUTION Two-phase process: First, find and develop options and define the key elements of the agreement, Second, fixing the details of these ELEMENTS in a written agreement.

20 Fifth step PREPARING A WRITTEN AGREEMENT The agreement contains what people should do, for what period of time and how.

21 Mediation Techniques Periphrasis Mediator: What did he mean? Can you say? B: You have tried to talk to me, but you think that it is difficult. Mediator: Is that what you wanted to tell him? A: Exactly. Acceptance You seem very frustrated that your efforts for communication are not as successful as you would like. You made significant progress for this short time since we work together.

22 Mediation Techniques Translation You would like to be able to talk to him and we are here to find a way which is satisfactory for both of you. Summarizing To sum up, you have both attempted to communicate with each other before coming here today, but not as successful as you would like. You have many different styles of communication and they were an obstacle in the past. Let’s discuss what will give results in the future.

23 Mediation Techniques Clarification So, let's see if I can explain: You say that you tried to communicate. He says that he has not understood the message. This might be an opportunity for both to assure that they understand the same thing by communication. Defining expectations What would you like to hear from him? What could he say to understand him? What could you do to continue the conversation?

24 Mediation Techniques Check of the assumptions I wonder if I got this right - I think you said that you tried to communicate, or you wanted to tell him about the situation, but did not know how to turn to him? You say that he deliberately insulted you. Right? Is there a possibility that you misunderstood him because of his style of communication? Parallel switching of roles B: Have you ever been in a situation where the way you communicate makes it difficult for the other person to understand your concerns? A: Have you ever worried about someone else's style of communication?

25 Practical exercise 1 Split in teams of 2 Read case study Working time: 7 minutes Choose a maximum of 5 mediation techniques Place the sticky notes on the white board

26 Practical exercise 2 Split in 4 teams Each team consists of a mediator, a co-mediator, two people in the conflict and an observer The task is performed in the presence of a mediation expert. TASK: Read the text of the case study together! Specify roles - who will perform what! Make a theater! Perform the mediation process! Working time – 2o minutes. The expert and the observer mark the used mediation technique on the provided piece of paper and place them on the white board

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