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Capítulo 6 – Sobre el Sexo

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1 Capítulo 6 – Sobre el Sexo
Biol Genética Humana Capítulo 6 – Sobre el Sexo UPR – Aguadilla JA Cardé, PhD

2 Objectives To describe the factors that contribute to maleness of femaleness To distinguish between Y and X linkage To discuss the inheritance pattern of a trait that appears in only one sex To explain X inactivation: epigenetic and effects on phenotype To explain the chemical basis of silencing the genetic contribution of a parent To review examples of imprinting El sexo afecta nuestras vidas en multiples formas: el cromosoma q nos toque en la concepción establece el programa de desarrollo para masculinidad o femeneidad Expresion genética diferencial, antes y después del nacimiento, influencia grandemente como ese programa se despliegue

3 Our Sexual Selves Maleness or femaleness is determined at conception (which chromosome?) Another level of sexual identity comes from the control that hormones exert on development Finally, both psychological and sociological components influence sexual feelings

4 X and Y Chromosomes X chromosome - Contains > 1,500 genes
- Larger than the Y chromosome - Acts as a homolog to Y in males Y chromosome - Contains 231 genes - Many DNA segments are palindromes and may destabilize DNA El cromosoma Y incluye Dos regiones autosomales una región male-specific que no se recombina genes en Y pueden se correspondientes a los de X, similares a estos o únicos arreglo palindromico de DNA en Y puede aportar a la inestabilidad de genes de Y Figure 6.1 4

5 Sexual Development During the fifth week of prenatal development, all embryos develop two sets of: - Unspecialized (indifferent) gonads - Reproductive ducts – Müllerian (female-specific) and Wolffian (male-specific) An embryo develops as a male or female based on the absence or presence of the Y chromosome - Specifically the SRY gene (sex-determining region of the Y chromosome) (Wnt4, others) Generos se hacen aparentes en la 9na semana del desarroll En la 5ta todos los embriones tienen: Gonadas no diferenciadas y ductos reproductivos Si los mullerian se desarrollan female Si wolfian se desarrollan males Se escoge en la 6ta semana Si esta la Y con el SRY se bloquea mullerian y PLT se desarrolla Wolf Si no esta SRY activo sigue Mulleria Wnt4 – este gen mutado causa una hembra con altos niveles de Testosterona sin fenotipo femenino Asi q no solo es que SRY no este, sino q si Muller sigue su ruta, Wnt4 tiene q ayudar … 5

6 Sex Chromosomes Determine Gender
Human males are the heterogametic sex with different sex chromosomes, (XY) Human females are the homogametic sex (XX) In other species sex can be determined in many ways - For example, in birds and snakes, males are homogametic (ZZ), while females are heterogametic (ZW) El varon en humano es heterogametico sexualmente hablando y la hembra es un sexo homogametico 6

7 Anatomy of the Y Chromosome
Pseudoautosomal regions (PAR1 and PAR2) - 5% of the chromosome - Contains genes shared with X chromosome Male specific region (MSY) - 95% of the chromosome - Contains majority of genes including SRY and AZF (needed for sperm production) Gen o genes para masculinidad? El cromosoma Y incluye Dos regiones autosomales – sufre recomb con regiones del X, genes de ambos sexos para inmunidad, division celular, receptores, hormonas, metabolismo de ATP etc Una región male-specific que no se recombina genes en Y pueden se correspondientes a los de X, similares a estos o únicos los unicos tienen arreglo palindromico de DNA en Y puede aportar a la inestabilidad de genes de Y para fertilidad MSY codifica para muchos segmentos de proteinas que se recombinan de muchas formas NO es facil cuantificar cuantas proteinas hay en este Cromosoma Figure 6.2 7

8 SRY Gene Encodes a transcription factor protein
Controls the expression of other genes Stimulates male development Developing testes secrete anti-Mullerian hormone and destroy female structures Testosterone and dihydrotesterone (DHT) are secreted and stimulate male structures 46XX males vs 46 XY females = SRY Junto a muchos otros genes importante para fertilidad En la busqueda para genes para sexo o masculinidad paso mucho tiempo 46XX males vs 46 XY females = SRY XX - tienen un fragmento de 1% del Y XY – les falta 1% del Y El mismo 1% = SRY 8

9 Abnormalities in Sexual Development
Pseudohermaphroditism = Presence of male and female structures but at different stages of life - Androgen insensitivity syndrome = Lack of androgen receptors - XY but female phenotype - 5-alpha reductase deficiency = Absence of DHT - males with SRY+ and testes but female pheno - 12 y/o transformation - Congenital adrenal hyperplasia = High levels of androgens - PSD males (3y/o), male 2ndry charac in fem Desarrolloo prenatal es sumamente complejo Mutaciones pueden afectar el desarrollo masculino interviniendo en muchos puntos Puede resultar en un 46 XY con fenotipo femenino!!!! SRY on destruye female structures Activa ruta para testosterona y DHT Androgen insensivity sindrome faltan receptores para testos sera XY pero se vera female Mutacion en Gen en X Hemafroditas – estructras e ambos sexos termino antiguo Intersex-internas y externas structures no son consistentes Pseudo hemarfro – ambas estructuras male y female en distintas etapas de crecimiento 5 alfa reductasa deficiency – autosomal recesivo Males con SRY + y testes but externamente es female, Ser desarroola por dentro male pero por fuera hasta pubertad Ahi las suprarenales producen testosterona desarrollan carac masculinas No menses, clit se convierte en pene Fertiles Females XX con la misma condicion son females/females CAH –recesiva autosomal 21 hydroxylsa deficiency Se acumulan Test y DHT Puberta precoz en males (3y/o) y carac 2rias masc en females – nace con clit inflamados Female internas pero voz vellos e infertilidad, no mens Ya el diagnostico 9

10 Figure 6.4 Figure 6.3 Androgen insensivity
syndrome Desarrolloo prenatal es sumamente complejo Mutaciones pueden afectar el desarrollo masculino interviniendo en muchos puntos Puede resultar en un 46 XY con fenotipo femenino!!!! SRY on destruye female structures Activa ruta para testosterona y DHT Androgen insensivity sindrome faltan receptores para testos sera XY pero se vera female Mutacion en Gen en X Hemafroditas – estructras e ambos sexos termino antiguo Intersex-internas y externas structures no son consistentes Pseudo hemarfro – ambas estructuras male y female en distintas etapas de crecimiento 5 alfa reductasa deficiency – autosomal recesivo Males con SRY + y testes but externamente es female, Ser desarroola por dentro male pero por fuera hasta pubertad Ahi las suprarenales producen testosterona desarrollan carac masculinas No menses, clit se convierte en pene Fertiles Females XX con la misma condicion son females/females CAH –recesiva autosomal 21 hydroxylsa deficiency Se acumulan Test y DHT Puberta precoz en males (3y/o) y carac 2rias masc en females – nace con clit inflamados Female internas pero voz vellos e infertilidad, no mens Ya el diagnostico Figure 6.4

11 Homosexuality Seen in all cultures for thousands of years
documented in 500 animal species Evidence suggests a complex input from both genes and the environment Phenotype and genotype consistent Atraction towards the same sex Studies of identical and fraternal twins Identifying possible markers in X, presents among pair of homosexuals more often Nadie sabe en realidad porq nos sentimos pertenecer a un genero o atraido a un genero o no? Se sabe que es intenso Homo sexualidad genotipo y fenotipo es cosistente, atraccion al mismo sexo Es influenciada por genetica y por ambiente Gemelos identicos mas tendencia a los dos serlo q los fraternos Marcadores geneticos en X mas parecidos entre hnos homos q entre otros hermanos, estudios no confirmados Heredabilidad del rasgo 35% en hombres vs 18% en hembras PLT hay mchosgenes y ambiente 11

12 Sexual Identity Components
Resumen de los componentes de la identidad sexual Sexualidad y homosexuallidad reflejan el imput de varios genes y de factores ambiental Y varios origenes Table 6.1

13 Sex Ratios Mendel: predicts that equals number of male and females
- social, environment can select for one gender The proportion of males to females in a human population should be 1:1 Calculated by # of males / # of females multiplied by 1,000 Primary sex ratio – At conception (EU, 1050) Secondary sex ratio – At birth (China, India) Tertiary sex ratio – At maturity, (EU 65+ , 720) Sex ratios can change markedly with age - medical conditions or environment affects sexes differentially Sex Ratio : numero de machos dividido entre el numero de hembras multiplicado por 1000 para cada edad. Interferencia con los embarazos puede desviar los ratios 1050 en eu los ultimos 60 anios Espermatozoide con Y es mas liviano que el X PLT nada mas facil llega mas rapido ? Con la edad: se afectan las proporciones por condiciones medicas o por conductas como guerras y conductas de alto riesgo 13

14 Y-linked Traits Genes on the Y chromosome
Y-linked traits are very rare Transmitted from male to male No affected females Currently, identified Y-linked traits involve infertility and BTW, obviously not transmitted X – has more genes than Y, more mutants with consequences Account for ~10% of Mendelian diseases (one gene) Genes in X have different pattern of expression in each sex In females are passed as autosomal (two copies) In males are passed as dominant (one copy) Y linked son raros porque hay pocos genes en Y y porqu tienen su contraparte en Males are hemizygous for X linked traits 14

15 Sex Determination in Humans
Figure 6.4 Un ovulo trae una sola X. En sperm trae o una X o una Y. Si un esperma con Y con el SRY funcional llega al ovulo XY male Si es una X con otra X female A male inherits his Y from father and X from mother Female inherits X for each parent IF mother is heterozygous her son or daughter hast 50% chance of inheriting There is no male to male transmission of X linked traits Figure 6.6

16 X-linked Traits Possible genotypes X+X+  Homozyogus wild-type female
X+Xm  Heterozygous female carrier XmXm  Homozygous mutant female X+Y  Hemizygous wild-type male XmY Hemizygous mutant male Rasgos Ligados a X se expresan en females si son homocigotas Muchas veces se pasa un rasgo recesivo de una madre no afectada a un hijo afectado Ver tabla 6 16

17 X-linked Recessive Inheritance
Summarizes the transmission of an X linked recessive trait Si no son letales, hombre sobrevive y deja progenie 17

18 X-linked Recessive Traits
Examples: - Ichthyosis = Deficiency of an enzyme that removes cholesterol from skin - Color-blindness = Inability to see red and green colors - Hemophilia B = Disorder of blood-clotting Rasgos donde el padre sobrevive para dejar progenie.. Rasgo no es letal ni afecta fertilidad Ichthyosis – Enzima para remover colesterol – Abuelo y nieto la tienen Daltonismo – 8% hombres europeos, 4% hombres de africa pero 0.4% de mujeres Hemophilia B – Christmas disease: (Stephen Chtistmas young first diagnoses 1952 18

19 1 y/o grand-son skin resembles his.
Ichthyosis = Deficiency of an enzyme that removes cholesterol from skin Middle-aged man 1 y/o grand-son skin resembles his. Cholesterol removed by an enzyme, blocked in this condition Daughter produced half the enzyme ammount Ichthyosis = Deficiency of an enzyme that removes cholesterol from skin Middle-aged man with rough, brown, scaly skin Realize the condition is genetic when his 1 y/o grand-son skin resembles his. Cholesterol removed by an enzyme, blocked in this condition, skin upper layer cant peel normally Daughter produced half the enzyme ammount Figure 6.7 Figure 6.5

20 Figure 6.6 Hemophilia – Christmas Diseases by Steven Christmas 1952 Note the combination of Punnet Square and Pedigrees diagrama to follow the condition Superscritos denotes dominant and recessive alleles in Y or X Queens Victoria origins the allel, mutated or inherited She passed it to her daughters on a mildly affected son Transmission is consistent with X linked, recessive Figure 6.8

21 X-linked Dominant Inheritance

22 X-linked Dominant Traits
Rare traits Expression differ between sexes (severity) Females : swirls of skin, melanin, puz filled vesicles, warts, spots) Males : die before born Carriers have 25% of misscarriages Incontinentia pigmenti Gene NEMO causes IP Activates immune response, apoptosis on the ectoderm derived structures Skin, nAILS, eyes, hair, brain Figure 6.7 22

23 X-linked Dominant Traits
Congenital generalized hypertrichosis Many extra follicules More dense and abundant hair upper body Females patchy and milder (hormones and another X) Note: no sons inherited the condition Many extra hair follicules More dense and abundant upper body hair IN females is patchy and milder because the other X and the hormones Hijos varones no reciben la X del padre.. No tienen nada Figure 6.8 23

24 Solving Problems: X linked
Steps to follow: 1) Look at the inheritance pattern 2) Draw a pedigree 3) List genotypes and phenotypes and their probabilities 4) Assign genotypes and phenotypes 5) Determine how alleles separate into gametes 6) Use Punnett square to determine ratios 7) Repeat for next generation 24

25 Kallman Syndrome - Assigned
Causes very poor or absent sense of smell and small gonads. 1) Its X linked, recessive 2) Tanisha does not have it, but her brother Jamal an her maternal cousin Malcolm (her mother’s sisters’ child) have it 3) Tanisha’s and Malcolm’s parents are unaffected 4) Tanisha’s husband Sams is unaffected 5) Tanisha and Sam want to know the risk that a son would inherit the condition. Sam has no afffected relatives. XkX Tan Jamal XkY Malcom XkY Parents XkX y XY XkX y XY Sams XY x XkX ½ de que sea XkY 25

26 Sex-Limited Traits Traits that affect a structure or function of a body part occurring only in one sex The gene may be autosomal or X-linked Examples: - Beard growth – women do not grow it, but can pass the mutation to sons - Milk production – males not make milk but can pass the trait - Preeclampsia in pregnancy – male genes affect placenta, that’s affect women bp (Assigned) 26

27 Sex-Influenced Traits
Traits in which the phenotype expressed by a heterozygote is influenced by sex Allele is dominant in one sex but recessive in the other Example: - Pattern baldness in humans - A heterozygous male is bald, but a heterozygous female is not - trait may be affected by hormonal differences - Gene for baldness have to alleles (Hairy (h) and bald (H) - Males: H dominant over h, females inverse - males Hh=?; females Hh = ? Females HH ? 27

28 X Inactivation Females have two alleles for X chromosome genes but males have only one In mammals, X inactivation balances this inequality and one X chromosome is randomly inactivated in each cell The inactivated X chromosome is called a Barr body, the women becomes a mosaic for expression of most genes on the X 28

29 X Inactivation X inactivation occurs early in prenatal development
It is an example of an epigenetic change - An inherited change that does not alter the DNA base sequence The XIST gene encodes an RNA that binds to and inactivates the X chromosome Some rare females lost a small part of the X chromosome, identified as the Chromosom inactivation center Genes in the pseudoautosoma region and some other escape the inactivation XIST controls the inactivacion binding in an specific site of the inactivated X and maintains it silenced 29

30 Once and X is inactivated in one cell (8 cells embryo); all descendants will have the same X inactivated This will create patches of tissue that differ in their expression of the X linked genes Each cell will have only one X active, , equivalent to males in terms on X gene expression At celular level is observed because the X inactivated stain darker and faster than the active Females has one Barr body, Males dont Figure 6.9 Figure 6.12

31 X Inactivation A female that expresses the phenotype corresponding to an X-linked gene is a manifesting heterozygote In homozygous X linked genotypes, has no effect X inactivation is obvious in calico cats (XB/XY) Incontinentia pigmenti Hunter syndrome/ Fabry dis Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome (Asig) An allele of and X gene that stimulate cell division? Two X gene proteins interacts In manifesting heterozygotes the X inactivation has no effect in health, if there is enough normal alele expressing cells, the inactivation has no effect Incontinentia pigmentis: swirl of skin colors due to some x with mutant melanin production gene (pale zones) and some normal X for melanin production (normal color) Calico cats: XB brown dominant, XY yellow recesive Female heterocigote will have patches brown and yellow depending which X is inactivated in each area Human skin cells disperse in development, in cats not So males never calico unless having and extra X, Hunter – lyzosimes storage disorder: mucopolisacaridosis II Deficiencia en enzima q remueve debris celular en el lizosoma XXh – no tienen sintomas porq algnas celulas producen la enzima XhY – sordos, enanos, problmas cardiacos etc Fabry – no producen la enzima alfa galactosidasa A XXf – algunas celulas affectadas otra no mild symptoms XfY – fallo renal…. Calicos always females (XX) Figure 6.10 31

32 Genomic Imprinting The phenotype of an individual differs depending on the gene’s parental origin Genes are imprinted by an epigenetic event: DNA methylation - Methyl (CH3) groups bind to DNA and suppress gene expression in a pattern determined by the individual’s sex Imprinting pattern is passed from cell to cell in mitosis but not from individual to individual in meiosis In mammals the parental origins of the gene affects the phenotype Metilation used to regulate gene expresion, preventing being accesed and expressed Epigenetic: change the meaning of the information in the gene without altering the sequence Passd 32

33 Imprints are erased during meiosis
Figure 6.11 Imprints are erased during meiosis - Then reinstituted according to the sex of the individual During mitosis replication pattern is passed exactly or imprinted During meiosis the CH3 pattern is removend and reset, according to cygote sex. Womens can have son and males can have daughter without passing their specific parental imprints 33

34 Importance of Genomic Imprinting
Function of imprinting isn’t well understood, but it may play a role in development – brains genes Research suggests that it takes two opposite sex parents to produce a healthy embryo - Male genome controls placenta- (ovum with 2 male pronuclei) development but tiny and stopped - Female genome controls embryo development - (ovum with 2 females pronuclei) – developed but aberrant placenta Genomic imprinting may also explain incomplete penetrance (one imprinted gene can silence de dominant mutant alllele. 34

35 Imprinting and Human Disease
Two distinct syndromes result from a small deletion in chromosome 15 - Prader-Willi syndrome - Deletion inherited from father; genes not normally imprinted, are missing, only mothers expressed - Eating disorder – obesity, compulsive - Angelman syndrome - - Deletion inherited from mother -autism, lack of muscle coordination The two syndromes may also result from uniparental disomy Mas de 159 imprinted genes 60 of them health issues related when abnormally expressed Effects observed when an individual has one copy of a normally imprinted allele and the other copy is inactivated o deleted Imprinting means inactivation 35

36 Imprinting and Human Disease
Deletion on chromosome 15 reveals imprinting Figure 6.14

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