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Welcome to Year 2 Miss Bradbury. Literacy – Every day Numeracy – Every day RE: Come and See Curriculum in Y2 Science PE – Tuesday and Friday Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2 Miss Bradbury. Literacy – Every day Numeracy – Every day RE: Come and See Curriculum in Y2 Science PE – Tuesday and Friday Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2 Miss Bradbury

2 Literacy – Every day Numeracy – Every day RE: Come and See Curriculum in Y2 Science PE – Tuesday and Friday Geography / History Collective worship Phonics: Sounds write – Every day Art / DT /Music Topic work ICT

3 Maths Literacy

4 Reading Guided reading Reading at home Reading records Library books


6 Tuesday and Friday P.E. Please make sure all kits are in school and have your child’s name in them.

7 Topic Work The Place Where I Live Fighting Fit Explorers The Farm Shop Wind in the Willows Buckets and Spades

8 Homework

9 Year 2 Assessment We use individual target sheets to set personalised targets for Reading, Writing and Maths. The New Curriculum sees changes to the assessment for Year 2. Further details will follow later in the year

10 Ways to help at home Encourage reading every night; listen as often as you can and ask questions to clarify understanding. Help your child to learn their weekly spellings – perhaps three a day building up over the week. Use practical opportunities to count in 2s, 5s and 10s: begin to learn x tables. Number and letter formation (lower case and capital letters) Number bonds to 10, 20. Place value of numbers in tens and units Practise telling the time: o’clock, half past, quarter past. Counting money and finding change from a £1.

11 Open door policy Feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns. Feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns. If you need a private chat, please ask. If you need a private chat, please ask. Thanks for your time. Thanks for your time. Need to speak to me?

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