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Web Based Tools to Enhance Outreach & Evaluation Beth Holtzman University of Vermont Extension New Farmer Project & Women’s Ag Network April, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Based Tools to Enhance Outreach & Evaluation Beth Holtzman University of Vermont Extension New Farmer Project & Women’s Ag Network April, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Based Tools to Enhance Outreach & Evaluation Beth Holtzman University of Vermont Extension New Farmer Project & Women’s Ag Network April, 2016

2 Today’s Session Why use web tools? Tool examples E-Newsletters (vs. listservs) Web Forms Surveys Web Integrations Before you dive in... Closing thoughts & questions

3 Why use web tools? Why we use web tools... Keep content fresh & share time sensitive news Streamline client access to resources Automate clerical tasks (registration, sign-ups, etc.) Connect directly with our audience Learn about our audience Learn about what’s working... And not!

4 Start with the End in Mind What do you want to accomplish? How will you know if the tools are working for you? What will you measure? Set up & collect metrics from the start: Via Google Analytics or in-tool analytics

5 Email Options Listservs Electronic Newsletters

6 Listservs - Easy to set up -list management options -Interactive -Big numbers -Can be archived -Email overload -Text format -Must be monitored -User confusion -Stats limited

7 Electronic Newsletters -Low Maintenance -Big numbers -List Segmentation -Graphics and links -Good stats -Can be archived -Unidirectional. -Email overload. -Must be mobile ready


9 Electronic Newsletters -Low Maintenance -Big numbers -List Segmentation -Graphics and links -Good stats -Can be archived -Unidirectional. -Email overload. -Must be mobile ready



12 Form Builders Google Docs EmailMeForm ( Perfectforms ( Formsite ( Wufoo ( … and lots of others.

13 Web Forms -Easy to set up & “brand” -Easy to fill out -Easy data management -Easy to generate reports -Multiple users with different permissions -Easy integrations - Fees (but modest) - Users cannot update entries - Easy/convenient for whom?




17 Web Tool Integrations Why Integrate? Enhancement Efficiency Engagement Evaluation

18 Integration for Enhancement

19 Efficiency & Branding


21 Evaluation

22 Integration for Engagement

23 Before you dive in... Ask: What’s the right tool for the task? –For you? For your audience? Who will have access? Roles? User names, urls, passwords, etc: –“Small” details that can make a big difference.

24 Questions? Evaluation & Feedback: / Thank you!

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