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Building SEIS – not for SEIS, but for ourselves. always ask: „What does it bring to us?“ Jarmila Cikánková CENIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Building SEIS – not for SEIS, but for ourselves. always ask: „What does it bring to us?“ Jarmila Cikánková CENIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building SEIS – not for SEIS, but for ourselves. always ask: „What does it bring to us?“ Jarmila Cikánková CENIA

2 You know, Czechs. They haven’t consulted with us again!

3 Starting point 2005  High level of decentralisation (including IS/IT)  At about 40 different information systems and thousands of databases (14 service organizations – providers)  Mostly free access – without regard to usability of included information  serious difficulties in finding certain information or responsibilities Information were published  On different places  At different level of generalization  Not always in territorial, temporal and departmental context Different, mostly limited informative value of information

4 4 Czech environmental information flows Ministry of the Environment CENIA Research Institutes Data visualization: maps, tables, charts, articles, … Interpretation: value of information evaluation, interdisciplinary context Consolidation: conversion of monitoring to databases Acquisition: monitoring, surveys, assessments; measurements, research Generalization: aiming the information to specific user group, increase understanding A ssessements I nformation D ata M onitoring R eports

5 Management of data management  MoE asked for implementation of complete environmental information management life cycle  Main MoE instrument for data management is CENIA  Integration and optimisation of information processes  Uniform environmental statistics  Uniform national and international reporting  Uniform data for policies, strategies, state administration (to the extent viable) CZ “SEIS”

6 WHY?  Making the state administration more transparent, consistent and user oriented  Same data for public servants, citizens and enterprises alike  Same data across the whole territory to support consistency  Same information on state administration processes to everyone

7 Implementation of general principles SoER, Statistical Environmental Yearbook, Regional reports, Indicators... interpretation, assessment, interdisciplinary context ISSaR, Geoportal agregation, visualisation EIA/SEA, E-PRTR, IPPC etc. many single topic systems producing data MIS metainformation system

8 ISSaR system architecture - centralized Data Varied sources Database Metadata and mapping UDS Transform XML heap Validation Meta- data driven access Direct access Input

9 Collect once, use many times Data sources ISSaR Map portalIndicators Reports European reporting Assessment Maps Statistics Table data Reporting Metadata, vocabularies Data sources (AOPK, ČHMÚ, ČGS, ČGS-Geofond, SJČR, VÚV, VÚKOZ, Národní parky), ČSÚ, MZe, MZdr, MD, CDV, MPO, …

10 Universal data storage for information from any thematic source systems. Unified system for national and international reporting Data are collected once and are used many times for different purposes Data contains spatial reference and are on an appropriate level of aggregation. Provides a direct access to all data available from one location using simple web client Unified platform for further efficient data mining, analysis and reporting and support for decision-making processes. Metadata system and mapping, which allows to describe the data and the way in which it has been transformed from source thematic systems. It is build as a single node for communication and data sharing between CR and EU or other countries. ISSaR = SEIS Good Practice

11 ISSaR - different type of data visualization

12 Implementation of general principles SoER, Statistical Environmental Yearbook, Regional reports... interpretation, assessment, interdisciplinary context ISSaR, Geoportal agregation, visualisation EIA/SEA, E-PRTR, IPPC etc. many single topic systems producing data MIS metainformation system

13 MIS System architecture - distributed Metap ort al Klient 2 CSW - harvesting CSW INSPIRE CSW

14 Collect once, use many times intern al public Organiz ations National metaportal National metaportal INSPIRE port al INSPIRE T hemes

15 Ministry of Environment –funding CENIA –Metaportal provider –MIS server provider –Standards implementation (ISO, INSPIRE) –Metadata quality assurance –User support, training, seminars HSRS –SW provider –Standards implementation Departmental organizations –MIS servers providers –Metadata management Metaportal: Who is who?

16 Enables to manage metadata sets as close as possible to data sets Metadata are collected once and are used many times for different purposes Helps with the implementation of metadata standards Provides a direct access to all metadata available from one location using simple web client Direct access to the data. Integrated WMS viewer makes it possible to show founded geographical information from different servers using simple overlapping, on a client-side (via DHTML/CSS). MIS = SEIS Good Practice




20 Centralized or distributed architecture? Do it your way, the way is not a goal! SEIS is a tool for successful data management Data management is an instrument for successful transparent, consistent and user oriented state administration Build SEIS for your users.

21 Czech crown jewels are shut down under the 7 lockes. Czech SEIS - related solutions are avaliable for free.

22 Thank you for your attention MIS: http://mis.cenia.cz ISSaR: http://issar.cenia.cz

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