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MBTI and Team Dynamics November 13, 2015 Facilitator: Denise Codgen.

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Presentation on theme: "MBTI and Team Dynamics November 13, 2015 Facilitator: Denise Codgen."— Presentation transcript:

1 MBTI and Team Dynamics November 13, 2015 Facilitator: Denise Codgen

2 Introductions Name, Current Role…”nanosecond version”…. “Show of Hands” – Number of years at Sabre? Less than 3 4 to 10 11 to 15 Greater than 15 – How many already know their MBTI Type? Welcome Name_____ Role/Business_____ Location______ Experience______ My time here____

3 ACTIVITY Welcome and MBTI Sprint What is it? Benefits Validating Your Type (includes Break) Large group exercises Individual report study/capture highlights MBTI and Teams Team sharing of individual highlights Z problem solving model Team activity Our Path Forward Forward Imaging* More of/Less of* * Accelerating Change Effectively (ACE) tools Going Forward-Personal Commitment Individual More of/Less of* Wrap Up AGENDA

4 Individually, write down your personal learning goal or “My time in this session will be well spent if…” Review ground rules for the session…modify if needed

5 Understanding Your MBTI “TYPE”

6 “Nothing is so well learned as that which is discovered.” Socrates Where we begin…Self Awareness

7 The “Type” Difference The MBTI instrument makes you aware of your “Type” attributes and how it may impact others You are unique. The people you interact with are different than you.

8 Why is this important? to you?  Helps to identify “gifts” and “blind spots”  Improves communication  Helps understand some behavior  Helps working in teams

9 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator-a brief history Statistically validated and used world-wide Based on work of Carl Jung and Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs-Myers Used for leadership, teams, coaching, career planning

10 Based on four preference scales: Where do you prefer to focus your attention? How do you take information in, find out about things? How do you make decisions? How do you orient your life? Extraverting Introverting Sensing iNtuiting Thinking Feeling Judging Perceiving

11 Self Assessment Scale Worksheet Your profile: ExtraversionE SensingS ThinkingT JudgingJ I Introversion NIntuition FFeeling PPerceiving E/I S/N T/F J/P

12 Some Key Words  Attention focused outward: people, things, actions  Breadth of interests  Multiple relationships  Easy to know  Action  Speak first, reflect later  Attention focused inward: concepts, ideas, feelings  Depth of interest  Close relationships  Hard to know  Reflection  Reflect first, speak later E xtraverting I ntroverting

13 Communication Clues  Animated  Like to communicate directly with others, like group discussions  Like to process externally  Easy to know what they are thinking  Speak first, reflect later  Reflect first, speak later Extroverting Introverting  Low key  Like to process internally  May experience lapses in communication as they process  More comfortable communicating via email, or texting, or one-on-one Adapted from Looking at Type in the Workplace by Larry Demarest

14  Focus on real/actual  Trusts experience  Factual, concrete, details  Information step-by-step  Present oriented  Specifics  Focus on big “picture”  Trusts theory  Abstract/possibilities  Jump around, leap in  Future oriented  Patterns, relationships S ensing i N tuiting Some Key Words

15 Communication Clues  Interested in and talk about specific information from direct experience  Drawn to usefulness of information or current potential  Unambiguous  Provide exact accounts and actual examples Sensing iNtuiting  Interested in and talk about concepts and theories  Communicate circuitously; jumping around, often including unrelated points  Are excited about future potentials  Provide general accounts, few specifics, drawing upon association of ideas Adapted from Looking at Type in the Workplace by Larry Demarest

16  Analytical  Logical problem-solvers  Tends to question-why?  Values reasonableness  Premium on fairness  Attention to policy  Sympathetic  Assess people impact  Tend to question-who?  Values compassion  Premium on harmony  Attention to circumstances T hinking F eeling Some Key Words

17 Communication Clues  Focus on purpose  Like to “get down to business”  Give pros and cons  Give objective criteria  Make suggestions for improvement to others ideas Thinking Feeling  Focus first on the relationship  Appreciate contribution of all perspectives  Seek agreement when others put forth ideas  Affirm and build on areas of commonality Adapted from Looking at Type in the Workplace by Larry Demarest

18  Planned and orderly  Decisive  Likes closure  Low tolerance for uncertainty  Avoids last minute stress  Flexible and spontaneous  Curious, surprises okay  Likes options  Able to tolerate ambiguity  Energized by deadlines J udging P erceiving Some Key Words

19 Communication Tips Clues  Focus on reaching closure  Quickly come to the point  Present opinions so rapidly that it seems like they have already made up their mind Judging Perceiving  Love to explore options and gather information  Will explore a variety of viewpoints before presenting their option  So flexible and open it seems like they are indecisive Adapted from Looking at Type in the Workplace by Larry Demarest

20 Style Reminder… It’s important to understand your own communication preferences…but it is more important to understand the preferences of others.

21 Use your type for “good” Type gives insight, not excuses Learn the value of other types Manage your own behavior Your type is yours -- to keep or share Some thoughts to keep in mind…

22 MBTI Report: Looking at your MBTI report and your Self Assessment Scale: How accurate was your self-assessment? STEP I: Self Assessment and Results

23 MBTI Report: Individual Review Read your MBTI Report Highlight those statements you feel are most true about you. Underline any statements you disagree with. Use your MBTI Self Reflections Worksheet to summarize the feedback for reflection and sharing with your team TIME: 25 Minutes STEP II: Review MBTI Feedback

24 MBTI Report: Team Share… Put a colored dot on the large class poster MBTI chart indicating your “TYPE” Working “ROUND ROBIN” in your table team: Share your type, Capture on Type Chart Handout Share: –Which elements of your feedback report were most helpful? –Which elements of your feedback report were most surprising to you? TIME: 25 Minutes Team Discussion of MBTI Feedback STEP III:

25 Problem Solving Model S ensing facts details i N tuiting possibilities options F eeling feelings values T hinking logic cause/effect

26 Object Launcher Purpose: Task: Success Criteria: Rules: 12 minutes to plan Cannot touch materials during Planning Phase 7 minutes to build OBJECT LAUNCHER CAN NOT TEST ; can only build prototype Must have a NAME for the product Use all materials provided for Function or Aesthetics Must release an object that will travel 3 feet in the air UP/DOWN or ACROSS Build an OBJECT LAUNCHER using the materials provided Practice Team behaviors – experience MBTI attributes Team Activity

27 Looking at Type in the Workplace by Larry Demarest Your MBTI report MBTI Resources

28 ACTIVITY Welcome and MBTI Sprint What is it? Benefits Validating Your Type (includes Break) Large group exercises Individual report study/capture highlights MBTI and Teams Team sharing of individual highlights Z problem solving model Team activity Our Path Forward Forward Imaging* More of/Less of* * Accelerating Change Effectively (ACE) tools Going Forward-Personal Commitment Individual More of/Less of* Wrap Up AGENDA

29 Willow Path Consulting Balanced Leadership Building the Case Visioning the Future Gaining Acceptance Tracking Progress Sustaining Momentum Aligning the Organization © ACE Accelerating Change Effectively

30 Willow Path Consulting Visioning the Future A picture that appeals to the mind and the emotions is painted of the future success of the change. A clear direction is set and this vision is outlined in behavioral terms. Forward Imaging It’s ________ from now and your team/project has been wildly successful. Vision Mindsets Behaviors More of What will we hear and see more? Less of What will we hear and see less?

31 Willow Path Consulting It’s 4 months from now and your team has been wildly successful at working as a high performing team. Draw a picture and/or write down key phrases that depict how you work together. What are people doing and saying? Forward Imaging Visioning the Future Things to consider Environment: How does the future environment look? New Mindsets: What new attitudes do people have? How do people approach issues or problems differently? Key Results: What stretch goals or outcomes has the team achieved ? Customer Impact: What do your customers say? How has this added value to the customer? Other Areas: Are there any other areas to consider?

32 Willow Path Consulting From Vision to Action: Vision Mindsets Behaviors To create… To be… To change… What “new” thinking or mindsets/attitudes will be needed? What will people who are aligned with the change say and do differently?

33 Willow Path Consulting Behaviors: More of / Less of Vision without Action is merely a dream, Action without Vision just passes the time, Action with Vision can change the world. Joel Barker, Futurist & Author More of What will we hear and see more? Less of What will we hear and see less?

34 Willow Path Consulting My Personal Commitment Over the next week, complete your own MORE OF and LESS OF Personal Commitment to changing your behaviors to be a more effective team member! More of What will we hear and see more of from me? Less of What will we hear and see less of from me?

35 Facilitator: Denise Codgen Questions? Thank you for your participation!

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