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Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1. Characters and Themes  Characters:  Witches  Macbeth  Hectate  Apparitions  Lennox  Themes:  Ambition  Violence  Nature.

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Presentation on theme: "Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1. Characters and Themes  Characters:  Witches  Macbeth  Hectate  Apparitions  Lennox  Themes:  Ambition  Violence  Nature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1

2 Characters and Themes  Characters:  Witches  Macbeth  Hectate  Apparitions  Lennox  Themes:  Ambition  Violence  Nature and the Unnatural  Fate

3 The witches and Macbeth  The witches are making a stew made of pretty horrible things  Macbeth enters with the witches saying “Something wicked this way comes”  Macbeth demands answers from the witches  Is Macbeth relatable to the witches now?

4 The Three Prophecies  The witches give Macbeth 3 warnings  Beware Macduff  It’s a headless apparition  No man of woman born shall harm Macbeth  A bloody child  Macbeth is safe unless Great Birnam Wood marches on Dunsinane Hill  A child wearing a crown holding a tree  Macbeth isn’t satisfied and wants to know of Banquo’s heirs

5 Banquo’s heirs  Macbeth is shown 8 kings  Each one resembles Banquo and at the end Banquo is pointing to all the kings  The last king holds a mirror  This king is suppose to be King James

6 Lennox  Lennox enters to inform Macbeth that Macduff has fled to England to ask for help  Macbeth realizing he erred in not killing Macduff earlier decides to crush him

7 Macbeth Act 4 Scene 2

8 Characters and Themes  Characters:  Lady Macduff  Macduff’s Son  Murderer  Ross  Messenger  Themes:  Manhood  Ambition  Violence  Fate

9 Lady Macduff’s Beef  Lady Macduff is POed that Macduff left her to go to England  Believes him to be a coward  Ross tries to defend Macduff saying that his decision to run shows his wisdom, not cowardice

10 Lady Macduff and Her Son  Lady Macduff tells her son that his father is dead and he is a traitor who should be hung  What’s a traitor? Someone who breaks an oath or promise  What should happen to traitors? Be hung by honest men  Sensible?  Macduff’s son believes traitors and cheats far outweigh honest men  Lady Macduff muses on the fact that wicked men usually prosper while good men falter

11 The Killing  Lady Macduff and her son are killed by a murderer sent by Macbeth

12 Macbeth Act 4 Scene 3

13 Themes and Characters  Characters:  Malcolm  Macduff  Ross  Themes:  Ambition  Nature and the Unnatural  Manhood

14 Malcolm’s Suspicion  Macduff pleads with Malcolm to raise an army to battle Macbeth  Malcolm believes that Macduff could be working for Macbeth  Who in their right mind will leave their family alone and unprotected?

15 Malcolm’s Test  Malcolm tells Macduff he is hesitant to attack Macbeth b/c he might be worse  Malcolm says he is lustful, vicious, and greedy  Makes Macbeth look kind  Macduffs response? OHHHH OHHHHH I WILL LEAVE SCOTLAND THEN!!!!  Malcolm tells Macduff he has passed the test  He has an army of 10,000 led by Siward to invade Scotland

16 The Other Side of the Unnatural  A doctor enters to talk with Malcolm  Macduff is informed that King Edward’s touch can cure diseases

17 Bad News  Ross brings news from Macbeth  First the Good News:  Scottish people are ready to join his cause to topple Macbeth  Now the Bad News:  Macduff, your family is dead  Macduff is crushed by this news  Malcolm's response to Macduff's cries of anguish Malcolm's response to Macduff's cries of anguish  Macduff’s anger should be directed at Macbeth, REVENGE!

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