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Lesson 18 Greek Word Parts: chronos, phon. Chronos means “time”

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 18 Greek Word Parts: chronos, phon. Chronos means “time”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 18 Greek Word Parts: chronos, phon

2 Chronos means “time”

3 In an anachronism, an event or object is placed in a time period where it doesn’t belong.

4 Chronic means “lasting a long time.”

5 A chronicle is a record of happenings.

6 A chronology is a list of events arranged in the order in which they occurred.

7 Synchronize means “to happen at the same time.”

8 Phon means “sound”

9 Cacophony is a harsh, clashing sound.

10 A megaphone is a horn that increases the loudness of a voice.

11 Euphonious means “pleasing to the ear.”

12 Phonics is the association of letters with speech sounds.

13 A symphony is a composition for an orchestra to play.

14 Accost is to confront someone with a request or command; approach boldly.

15 Ascend is to move upward; to climb.

16 Candidate is a person running for public office.

17 Conventional is based on accepted customs or practices.

18 Culprit is a guilty person.

19 Daft – delirious and crazy; foolish.

20 Disparage is to belittle; to denigrate.

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