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F 3  2 <-<- X 1  +, effect of shifting rotational levels on I( 35 Cl + )/I(H 35 Cl + ) vs J´ agust,www,......rempi/hcl/October08/f3D2&Vv8-231208ak.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "F 3  2 <-<- X 1  +, effect of shifting rotational levels on I( 35 Cl + )/I(H 35 Cl + ) vs J´ agust,www,......rempi/hcl/October08/f3D2&Vv8-231208ak.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 f 3  2 <-<- X 1  +, effect of shifting rotational levels on I( 35 Cl + )/I(H 35 Cl + ) vs J´ agust,www,......rempi/hcl/October08/f3D2&Vv8-231208ak.ppt agust,heima,..... REMPI/HCl/October08/f3D2&Vv8-231208ak.pxp agust,heima,..... REMPI/HCl/October08/f3D2&Vv8-231208ak.xls  E 164,7633 118,3636 57,31345 -18,4811 -108,541 -212,087 J´ 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 f 3  2 (v´=0) V 1  +, v´=8  E = E(V) – E(f) agust,heima,..... REMPI/HCl/October08/f3D2&Vv8-231208ak.xls

2 -10 -5 0 5 10 20 ~ resonance 20 30 40 50  E shift: J´ I( 35 Cl + )/I(H 35 Cl + ) rel agust,heima,..... REMPI/HCl/October08/f3D2&Vv8-231208ak.pxp

3 NB!: the curves above have been normalised to one for the ratio of J´=5 BUT there is a dranatic differnce in the absolute values of the ratios: n0 shift, de-10-5051020304050 alfa =274,81 beta=1 W12´=0,5 20,0028680,0026920,0025310,0023840,0022490,0020125540,001811190,0016390,00149 30,0058510,0053460,0049040,0045150,004170,0035887260,003121240,0027390,002424 40,0306970,0251090,0209180,0176960,0151640,0114947310,009012360,0072550,005966 50,0847480,1247180,2014440,3790710,961843 38,77500948 0,519745450,1485260,069191 60,0048890,0053290,0058320,0064090,0070760,0087641130,01113810,0146260,02005 70,0013930,0014580,0015270,0016020,0016820,0018620080,002072150,002320,002615 i.e. The ratio value for J´=5 being largest for shift = +20 (37.775) (i.e. for the “closest to resonance case” (  E (J´=5) = 1.5 cm -1 ) NB!: the model is not valid in the case of resonance agust,heima,..... REMPI/HCl/October08/f3D2&Vv8-231208ak.xls :

4 abs(  E) shifted +50 214,763287 168,363575 107,313447 31,5189136 58,5413475 162,087186 J´ 2 3 4 5 6 7  E unshifted 164,7633 118,3636 57,31345 -18,4811 -108,541 -212,087 J´ 2 3 4 5 6 7

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