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Big Question: How can a focus on the future help us imagine new possibilities? Author: Monica Hughes Genre: Science Fiction.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Question: How can a focus on the future help us imagine new possibilities? Author: Monica Hughes Genre: Science Fiction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Question: How can a focus on the future help us imagine new possibilities? Author: Monica Hughes Genre: Science Fiction

2 Review Games Story Sort Story Sort VocabularyWords Vocabulary Words: Arcade Games Arcade Games Arcade Games Arcade Games Study Stack Study Stack Study Stack Study Stack Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Spelling Words Spelling City: Spelling Words Spelling City: Spelling Words Spelling City: Spelling Words

3 Spelling Words Spelling Words Words with the Schwa

4 different sentence American brilliant substitute opinion material complete jewelry dramatic instance communicate hesitate elementary vitamin ingredients invitation discipline lasagna desperate inhabitant ferocious orangutan sympathetic infinity

5 Vocabulary Words

6 Vocabulary Words – Test Thursday, Oct. 31st combustion – act or process of burning of fuel dingy – lacking brightness or freshness; dirty-looking negotiate – reach an agreement by discussion traversed – passed across, over, or through; crossed waft – a breath or puff of air; faint scent waning – going through its regular reduction in the amount of its visible portion, such as the moon; decreasing

7 More Words to Know bedroom – place for sleeping in pesticides - substances for killing insects dangerous – full of risk ungainly – not heavy adorable – inspiring great affection careful – cautious

8 Concept Vocabulary settlement – a place where people have come to live; a colonysettlement solar energy – power derived from the heat of the sunsolar energy vastness – a large space (Next Slide)

9 settlement

10 solar energy

11 waning

12 Subject-Verb Agreement The subject and verb of a sentence must agree in number. When a singular subject takes a present-tense verb, that verb usually ends in –s or –es.

13 Subject-Verb Agreement When a plural subject takes a present-tense verb, that verb usually does not end in –s or –es. Compound subjects must have a verb that agrees with a plural subject.

14 Subject-Verb Agreement When a plural subject takes a present-tense verb, that verb usually does not end in –s or –es. Compound subjects must have a verb that agrees with a plural subject.

15 Subject-Verb Agreement Test Tip: Nouns such as glasses, pants, and scissors are considered plural and require a plural verb agreement, unless preceded by a pair of. Example: My glasses are smudged. A pair of scissors is missing.

16 Compare and Contrast When you compare and contrast, you tell how two or more things are alike or different. Sometimes authors use similes and metaphors to make comparisons. Similes use the clue words like, as, or than.

17 Compare and Contrast Metaphors do not use clue words. Words such as unlike, but, and however can show contrasts. Ask questions while reading to compare and contrast, such as “How are these two characters alike and different?” or “What does this situation remind me of?”

18 Flashback A flashback is an interruption in the narrative order to show an event that happened earlier. An author can use a flashback to give background on a character and event or to show how a past event influenced a character.

19 Flashback Movies and television use flashbacks effectively, often with visual clues to let the view know a flashback has occurred. Novels and many other stories use flashbacks, often with little introduction. The reader must often look for clues such as verb tense and setting details.

20 Where might you find information about the word lunar? A dictionary is a book of words and their meanings. A glossary is a short dictionary at the back of some books. It includes definitions of words used in the book.

21 Dictionary/Glossary Both dictionaries and glossaries are organized alphabetically. An entry word is the word that is being defined. It is usually in dark type and broken into syllables. It shows how the word is spelled and whether it should be capitalized.

22 Dictionary/Glossary Following the entry word are its pronunciation, part of speech, definitions, illustrative phrases or sentences that show how the word may be used, and inflected forms of the word when endings are added.

23 Dictionary/Glossary Guide words are words in dark type at the top of each page. They indicate the first and last words on the page.

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