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21 st Century Community Learning Centers 15-16 Annual Performance Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "21 st Century Community Learning Centers 15-16 Annual Performance Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 21 st Century Community Learning Centers 15-16 Annual Performance Reporting

2 Goals Review an Basic overview of 15-16 state reporting requirements and deadlines Review known 15-16 federal reporting requirements and deadlines Help you track and understand these many moving parts

3 15-16 Reporting Timeline Grades 5-12 Survey (18 sites) April 1- May 20 1516 Summer Term Entry –Due June 10 21c Excel Budgets due: June 1 Grantium submitted: Mid- June VT State APR- July 8 1516 Fall Term Entry Due July 25 1516 Spring Term Entry Due Nov 11

4 State Annual Performance Report Components Site survey collection- 1 for each school Project survey collection- 1 for each project Grades 5-12 student survey -18 selected schools Excel Budgets; get approval; then enter in Grantium – 1 for each investment

5 Federal Reporting Requirements 1516 Summer Term Entry –through June 10 1516 Fall Term Entry -June 16-July 20 1516 Spring Term Entry -August 1-Nov 11

6 Grades 5-12 Student Survey Open April 1-May 20 Same approach as last year.. Slight question variation; now 10 core questions – 18 middle/high school sites do it – Requires 3 differentiated attendance tiers by days and color coding to implement as before – Read instructions carefully Training Link for adults : Live link for youth : Survey Instructions: Survey%20Guide.docx Survey%20Guide.docx

7 Youth Survey Sites

8 USDOE Summer Term Entry First time users (new projects) will receive an email from the system-Emanuel sets this up Same process you used for 1415 for summer Data Entry Filemaker: use ‘summer’ dropdown choices/functionality to get the data out as before Enter Activity, Staffing, Participation AND outcome data for any ‘summer only’ regular attendees

9 1516 Summer Term Entry-Data Sequence Center Data- Make sure center data is in there and accurate Activity Data -Filemaker use reports/program tab/program report Staff Data -Filemaker use reports/ ppics tab/staff and hand count Participation data- Filemaker use reports/student/student attendee detail Outcome data- see slides below if you have summer only regular attendees

10 Summer Term Entry-Participation data-Filemaker Use Reports/Student/Summary and StudentDetail Select ‘Summer” Use “Days” Feature

11 Summer Term Entry-Participation data-Filemaker You will need to create three reports for 30 (and <30), 60, and 90 days to enter data Use Reports/student/student detail Change the number to 90, 60 and 30 days and print the reports out

12 Summer Term Entry-Participation data-Filemaker Select 90 days to report the 90 or more day regular attendees by grade Select 60 days, subtract the 90 day students and report for the remaining 60-89 day RA Select 30 days, eliminate the 90 and 60-89 day students and report the remaining 30-59 day RA From the 30 day report, find and report the <30 days totals by grade

13 Budgets Due June 1 Same process as last year – Step 1: Submit Excel budgets with site tabs/detail breakouts including a Grantium Tab – Step 2: Receive approval after June 1 – Step 3: Enter approved budget in Grantium after June 1 Basic Instructions: 16%2021c%20Budget%20Steps%20including%20Grantium.docx 16%2021c%20Budget%20Steps%20including%20Grantium.docx

14 State APR site level collection Due July 8 Same as last year except: -Some simplifications made in dropdowns -Instructions/tips adjusted for clarity -collection will have the ability to save and go back in multiple times from one location - YPQA process question section added -Safety ‘Strategy and Tactics’ section added

15 State APR Project Level Collection due July 8 Same as last year.. -Instructions modified for clarity -reduction in ‘other submitted’ docs -private school list updated and language changed to meet audit requirements

16 Head’s up!-Outcome data

17 USDOE Fall and Spring Term Entry Enter Activity, Staffing, Participation AND outcome data for regular attendees Need to be prepared to report OUTCOME data during this timeframe Spring term data is cumulative ( Sept-June)

18 Head’s up!-Outcome data When you have regular attendees in a term, select state assessment to report outcomes

19 Outcome Data-Reading

20 Outcome Data-Math

21 Outcome data-the big picture 1) Have a list of 15-16 Regular attendees names in three potential categories for k-5 and grades 6-12 2) Bring those lists to the designated district tech administrator responsible for SBAC data 3) Get data and report results online

22 15-16 Outcome Data-Details SBAC data is for grades 3-8 and 11 21c USDOE System requires grades k-5 Reading baseline and improvement #s for Regular Attendees 21c USDOE System requires grades 6-12 math baseline and improvement #’s for Regular Attendees A school designated district tech administrator exists and you should give them a heads up of what you will need and when The schools will need to have prepopulated the “TIDE” system, which means you can get outcome data for regular attendees; This should already be done The “TIDE” system can create ‘rosters’ from your regular attendee lists and get out the data ‘TIDE” data: 14-15 SBAC data is used for the baseline and 15-16 data for the improvement #s SBAC has four parts for English/Language Arts; you will use ‘claim 1’ for “reading”

23 3 regular attendee gradations for reporting outcomes

24 What the Tech administrator uses

25 Smarter Balanced System can create a ‘roster”

26 Smarter Balanced..Tech person will use ‘manage rosters”

27 END 3/31/16 Slides Check wiki front page for resources and updates this spring as ‘home base” e/12855167/FrontPage

28 Reminder-USDOE Data- Center Entry Center contact: always enter project director For ELT select no For feeder schools select no Enter partner names for $500 in value or more It does not matter which center you attach a partner that is in multiple sites to, just choose the one that fits best

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