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Lecture 8 Data Analysis: Univariate Analysis and Data Description Research Methods and Statistics 1.

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1 Lecture 8 Data Analysis: Univariate Analysis and Data Description Research Methods and Statistics 1

2 Quantitative Data Analysis Descriptive statistics: the use of statistics to summarize, describe or explain the essential characteristics of a data set. -Frequency Distributions -Measures of Central Tendency -Measures of Variability Inferential statistics: the use of statistics to make generalizations or inferences about the characteristics of a population using data from a sample. -Estimation -Hypothesis Testing 2

3 Frequency Distributions A frequency distribution describes the number or percentage of occurrences of each value of a variable. 3

4 Normal Distribution 4 Low Values High Values Frequency Characteristics of a Normal Distribution Symmetrical Unimodal e.g, standardized test scores, physical and psychological variables Normality Assumption necessary for conducting many inferential statistics

5 Non-Normal Distributions Distributions that lack symmetry are skewed. Distributions that have two frequently occurring values are bimodal 5 Positively Skewed Distribution Negatively Skewed Distribution Bimodal Distribution

6 Measures of Central Tendency Measures of central tendency provide information about the single numerical value that is most typical of the values of a variable. Mean (average): the sum of values of all cases divided by the total number of cases Median: the center point in a set of values of a variable Mode: the most frequently occurring value of a variable 6 CaseAnnual Salary 1$20,100 2$22,700 3$25,600 4$26,400 5$27,900 6$32,600 7$38,400 8$42,600 9$55,700 10$60,000 11$550,000 Total$902,000 Mean$82,000 Median$32,600

7 Central Tendency & Normal Distributions The mean and the median are affected by skewness, or lack of symmetry in the data. 7 Negatively Skewed Distribution Normal Distribution Positively Skewed Distribution Mean Median Mode Median Mean Mode Median Mean Frequency

8 Measures of Variability Measures of variability provide information about how "spread out" the values of a variable are. Ex. Standard variation (SD), variance Range: the difference between the highest and lowest values Standard Deviation (SD): how far the values tend to vary from the mean. 8 Case # School ASchool B 14560 25065 35565 46070 56570 6 7 87570 98070 108575 119075 129580 Mean70 Median70 SD15.145

9 9 Case # School ASchool B 14560 25065 35565 46070 56570 6 7 87570 98070 108575 119075 129580 Mean70 Median70 SD15.145

10 Measures of Variability Percentile: a value below which a certain percent of the ordered observations in a distribution are located. Inter-quartile range: the range of values within which the middle 50 percent of the observations are -The first quartile: value below which 25 percent of the cases are found -The second quartile: value below which 50 percent of the cases are found -The third quartile: value below which 75 percent of the cases are found 10

11 Describing Single Variables: Univariate Analysis 11 Variable Type Measure of Central Tendency Measure of Variability Nominal (e.g. gender) Moden/a Ordinal (e.g. Ed degree) (e.g. Likert scale) MedianRange Mean Standard Deviation Interval/Ratio (e.g. income, test scores) Mean Standard Deviation MedianRange

12 Class Exercise Use “bodytemp.sav” -Form a frequency distribution of the variable “body_temp” -Include a table that shows the mean and standard deviation, skewness, and value of the distribution’s 25 th, 50 th, and 75 th percentiles. -Plot the values of the variable using a histogram that has a normal distribution superimposed over it. -Based on your output, is the distribution of the variable “body_temp” approximately normal? 12

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