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Skin Cancer, Burns, and Tattoos. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer 2 out of 5 cancers are skin cancers.

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Presentation on theme: "Skin Cancer, Burns, and Tattoos. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer 2 out of 5 cancers are skin cancers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skin Cancer, Burns, and Tattoos

2 Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer 2 out of 5 cancers are skin cancers

3 Skin Cancer  Cancer – uncontrolled cell growth  Caused by damage to the DNA (in the nucleus) usually through chemicals or radiation

4  Two types of tumors  Benign  Does not spread (encapsulated)  Malignant: these are the cancerous ones  Metastasized (moves) to other parts of the body

5  Ultraviolet Radiation is the main cause of all skin cancers

6 Skin Cancer Types  Basal cell carcinoma  Least malignant - Most common type  90% of skin cancers are basal cell  Seldom metastasizes – treated surgically or by radiation – 99% cure rate if caught early



9 Skin Cancer Types  Squamous cell carcinoma  2 nd most common skin cancer – most common in darker skinned people  Metastasizes to lymph nodes if left untreated  1500-2000 deaths in US per year  Early removal allows a good chance of cure


11  IMPORTANT TO KNOW  Basal cell & squamous cell carcinomas are due to cumulative effects of the sun’s radiation (or chemical exposures as well)  These tend to develop in ages 30-40s after years of daily sun exposure

12 Skin Cancer Types  Malignant melanoma  Least common BUT most deadly of skin cancers  Metastasizes rapidly to lymph and blood vessels  Early detection is critical

13  Malignant Melanoma tends to occur in younger ages (as well as older people)  It is due to brief intense exposures (aka: sunburns)  This is the most serious form of skin cancer and MUST be caught early to be treated successfully!

14 ABCD Rule  A = Asymmetry  Two sides of pigmented mole do not match  B = Border irregularity  Borders of mole are not smooth  C = Color  Different colors in pigmented area  D = Diameter  Spot is larger then 6 mm in diameter (pencil eraser)  Mole starts growing/changing in size

15 Malignant Melanoma




19 Burns  Define: Cell death caused by heat, electricity, UV radiation, or chemicals  2 main dangers  Dehydration –Loss of fluids & Electrolytes lead to:  Renal Shutdown  Circulatory shock  Infection  Skin (mechanical)barrier lost  Immune system depresses

20 Partial Thickness Burns  First-degree burns  Only epidermis is damaged  Local redness, swelling, & pain  Usually heal in 2-3 days (short time period) with NO scarring

21 Partial Thickness Burns  Second degree burns  Epidermis and upper dermis & structures within dermis are damaged  Appearance of blisters of any size  Skin regeneration in 3-4 weeks with some scarring  There is a danger of infection





26 Full Thickness Burns  Third-degree burns  Epidermis, Dermis and all structures within are completely destroyed  Usually painless at site of burn due to destruction of sense recept  Burn is gray-white, tan, brown, black, or deep cherry red  Surrounded by areas of 1 st & 2 nd degree burns that will be painful  Treatments are numerous but will involve skin grafting of some sort, fluid replacement and debridement – may take months/years







33  What part of the skin can get tanned, coated, painted, etc ? › Epidermis

34  A change in the dermis is usually a permanent scar, and usually avoided. Tattooing bypasses the protection of the epidermis, allowing a permanent design to be embedded in a layer that can not be removed by the body.

35  During the actual process, the ink is injected in little pin-points, basically one ink dot per stick.

36  The needle bypasses the epidermis to inject the dermis with ink.

37  oycj4pJY oycj4pJY

38 a. Life threatening warnings that patients have allergies, diabetes or chronic disease. b. Radiotherapy- marking where the radiology needs to be conducted every treatment c. Breast reconstruction – to place the areola on a reconstructed breast after a mastectomy.

39 1. Infection: any blood borne disease can be transmitted through the needle: hepatitis, HIV, etc. 2. Allergic Reactions: are rare, but when they happen it is difficult to get the ink out. It is also possible to become allergic even after you’ve had a tattoo.

40  3. Keloid Formation: scar tissue that grows beyond normal boundaries, which can happen any time you traumatize your skin.

41   Remember you too will grow old.

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