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Daniel 4:28-37. The Problem: Who’s on the throne? On top of the world v.29 I Corinthians 10:12 The great Babylon! V. 30 Boasting in our achievements My.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel 4:28-37. The Problem: Who’s on the throne? On top of the world v.29 I Corinthians 10:12 The great Babylon! V. 30 Boasting in our achievements My."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel 4:28-37

2 The Problem: Who’s on the throne? On top of the world v.29 I Corinthians 10:12 The great Babylon! V. 30 Boasting in our achievements My mighty power v.30 Boasting in our power My glory and majesty v. 30 Robbing God of His glory Romans 1:21 James 4:13-15

3 The Purpose of God’s Judgement Freedom maintained God’s character demonstrated Returns us to God Gives God the glory

4 Free to Choose Which king will you serve? Bondage or freedom? Breaking the bondage of self Genesis 3:15 Isaiah 14:13-14 True Freedom- John 8:36

5 God’s Character Demonstrated God allows our “foolishness” Psalm 14:1 Romans 1:21-23 God’s judgement v.31- Romans 1:18 God’s mercy- Lamentations 3:23

6 God’s Mercy The key to a changed heart Changed perspective v. 37 eyes lifted to heaven Psalm 3:3 Psalm 121: 1,2 Sanity ( peace) restored v.34 II Timothy 1:7 Colossians 1:20

7 Result of our Restoration Restored relationship/intimacy Psalm 51:12 Restored worship- Romans 12:1 Recognizing God’s Lordship v.34-35 Recognizing our frailty v. 35 Genesis 3:19

8 Ephesians 5:18

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