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The Electromagnetic Spectrum Year 1 Science. Study James: Light Absorption, Reflection, and RefractionLight Absorption, Reflection, and Refraction Review:

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Presentation on theme: "The Electromagnetic Spectrum Year 1 Science. Study James: Light Absorption, Reflection, and RefractionLight Absorption, Reflection, and Refraction Review:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Year 1 Science

2 Study James: Light Absorption, Reflection, and RefractionLight Absorption, Reflection, and Refraction Review: Video

3 -notes must be written neatly -letters should not be too BIG! -write on each line, unless instructed to skip a line for another section -have a puke page on standby: if you run out of room on the first page, then continue writing on the puke page (glue after the presentation!) Note- Taking Expectations

4 Your notes should contain the following at the top of page 21: -The essential question -The date (international style) and page # -The title (Electromagnetic Spectrum) Top of the Page

5 Skip 1 line underneath the title Here we go!

6 Electromagnetic Waves: waves of light

7 Electromagnetic Waves: waves of light; some are visible or invisible

8 Electromagnetic Waves: waves of light; some are visible or invisible; they are made by vibrating electric charges and can travel through a medium or open space

9 With your group, answer the following question: Electromagnetic Waves are an example of what type of wave? You have 20 seconds! BRAIN BREAK!

10 With your group, answer the following question: Electromagnetic Waves are an example of what type of wave? You have 20 seconds! Transverse Waves *write this to the right of the definition of electromagnetic waves* BRAIN BREAK!

11 Skip 1 line

12 Frequency: frequency of electromagnetic waves is the # of waves per second (Hz)

13 With your group, come up with a good mathematical formula that represents frequency. You have 30 seconds! BRAIN BREAK!

14 With your group, come up with a good mathematical formula that represents frequency. You have 30 seconds! F = # of waves time *write the formula to the right of the definition of frequency* BRAIN BREAK!

15 Skip 1 line

16 The Electromagnetic Spectrum: all the different frequencies of light

17 Skip 2 lines and write The Electromagnetic Spectrum Includes: on the 3rd line

18 Skip 1 line

19 → Radio Waves: low frequency waves with wavelengths of 1-10 cm

20 → Radio Waves: low frequency waves with wavelengths of 1-10 cm; have the longest wavelengths

21 (ex: radio stations, microwaves, radar)

22 Skip 1 line

23 → Infrared Waves: slightly higher frequency waves than radio waves

24 (ex: remote controls, warmth of fire, satellites)

25 See Like a Snake Infrared Video

26 Skip 1 line

27 → Visible Light Waves: range of waves that humans can see

28 → Visible Light Waves: range of waves that humans can see; each different wavelength is seen as a different color

29 With your group, come up with a good example of visible light. You have 20 seconds! BRAIN BREAK!

30 With your group, come up with a good example of visible light. You have 20 seconds! ROY G BIV BRAIN BREAK!

31 → Visible Light Waves: range of waves that humans can see; each different wavelength is seen as a different color (ex: ROY G BIV)

32 Skip 1 line

33 → Ultraviolet (UV) Waves: frequencies slightly higher than visible light;

34 → Ultraviolet (UV) Waves: frequencies slightly higher than visible light; wavelengths are too short for humans to see

35 → Ultraviolet (UV) Waves: frequencies slightly higher than visible light; wavelengths are too short for humans to see (ex: sunburns, vitamin D production, kills bacteria, cataracts, cancer)

36 Skip 1 line

37 → X-Ray Waves: even higher frequencies that can get into your body

38 → X-Ray Waves: even higher frequencies that can get into your body; they are absorbed by bone

39 (ex: medical x-rays)

40 Skip 1 line

41 → Gamma Ray Waves: highest frequency waves with the shortest wavelengths;

42 → Gamma Ray Waves: highest frequency waves with the shortest wavelengths; can travel through matter; will damage cells

43 (ex: medical bone imaging, causes cancer, used to kill cancer cells)

44 -highlight in yellow electromagnetic waves, frequency, electromagnetic spectrum -underline in red the different parts of the EMS and their examples -circle in blue the 1) the type of wave that the EMS is 2) the formula for frequency Note Review

45 -draw a green box around the different parts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Note Review

46 The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Review EMS Diagram

47 -Follow the instructions list on the diagram instructions -*Number the terms in order from lowest frequency to highest frequency* Diagram:EMS Review

48 Review The Electromagnetic Spectrum 8 October 2014

49 Our EQ was What are the different parts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum? Across from your notes at the top of page 20, answer the question putting the parts in order from lowest to highest frequency. Review EQ

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