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JOANN HINKSMON’S INTRODUCTION. MY 3 FAVORITE THINGS My Family, my twin sister, and nature.

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2 MY 3 FAVORITE THINGS My Family, my twin sister, and nature

3 WHO I AM This September marks the beginning of my 4 th year as a Special Education Teacher’s Assistant in a public school system. I’ve worked in multi-disabled preschool, 4 th and 5 th grade inclusion classrooms and now I assist in the behavioral disorders middle school classroom. I also teach part time at a local private preschool. My professional background includes having taught Kindergarten and Preschool at a private Montessori school for 6 years. I received my BA in Psychology and Child Development at Ashford University this past summer and my Montessori certification at North American Montessori Training Center in 2004. I’m 45, married to my best friend and our extraordinary 14 year old son just started high school.

4 MY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Having lived in the same town through out my childhood, I was fortunate to attend the same public school system from K-12. My 6 th grade Science teacher, Mr. Wilson, had a lasting impact on my life and the way I look at education. In his class, we made things light up, took nature walks, grew a vegetable garden and tapped Maple trees to make maple syrup. Mr. Wilson listened with respect, smiled and laughed every day and taught me that learning is not limited to text books but is something that happens everywhere. He also instilled in me a deep love of nature and Earth Science. As a Montessori teacher in an eco-school, I was thrilled to teach Earth Science, help children discover the joy of nature and of course; we tapped maple trees each winter.

5 MY PROFESSIONAL FUTURE Teaching special education full time in the school system I currently work in is my main goal. Eventually, I plan to become a member of the school system’s Child Study Team. I also see myself counseling children and families in the future.

6 MASTERS IN ECUDATION WITH A SPECIALIZATION IN SPECIAL EDCUACATION The masters I am earning will allow me to fulfill the NJ Department of Education requirements for all public school teachers. Additionally, the content taught will prepare me to meet the needs of today’s diverse special education learners.

7 “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER” Obtaining knowledge and skills can change one’s life. Without the welding skills my special needs son will learn at the tech high school he attends, he would be without a marketable skill. Thanks to the welding education he is receiving he will be able to support himself and live his life on his terms. Knowledge has the power to enable him to dare to dream and reach for his goals.

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