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WP F/L Seafloor network, deployment vessels and ROVs for PPM P. Lamare – CEA Irfu 1WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "WP F/L Seafloor network, deployment vessels and ROVs for PPM P. Lamare – CEA Irfu 1WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP F/L Seafloor network, deployment vessels and ROVs for PPM P. Lamare – CEA Irfu 1WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011

2 WP F/L PPM requirements DU :  2 Optical fibres for data communication  2 wires for power Interface with Seafloor network:  One output (ROV connector) with at least one spare General:  Seafloor infrastructure available before end of 2011, preferably now  Presence of instrumentation: LBL acoustic and current meters 2WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L

3 Inventory of sites  Inventory made: KM3NeT note released last year I-022938-KM3NeT_FL_NOT_infrastructure for DU prototype (Belias, Lamare, Musumeci, Papaleo)  5 potential solutions: Antares infrastructure in Toulon Nemo infrastructure in Capo Passero Nestor infrastructure in Methoni Delta Berenike platform as semi-permanent infrastructure MEUST future infrastructure in Toulon 3WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L

4 Candidate infrastructures  MEUST is not selected due to its time scale implementation  Delta Berenike is not considered as we can’t test the data transmission through a real seafloor network (distance, connection...)  The infrastructure selected to host the PPM DU are: Antares in Toulon Nemo in Capo Passero Nestor in Methoni 4WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L

5 Seafloor network characteristics Site Antares Toulon Nemo Capo Passero Nestor Methoni Shore distance (km)429526 depth (m)250034503600 Main cableoperational to be repaired Junction Box (JB)Operational, but AC No JB, connectors on DC/DC converter 1 in sea and 1 in storage Number of available connectors None today but at least 1 possible with Y cable 1 (2 others if necessary) 4, but can be upgraded Connector type Wet mateable ODI rolling seals (2E, 2O) Wet mateable ODI NRH (2E, 3O) Dry mate Gisma (2E, 2O), could be replaced by wet mateable 5WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L

6 Main parameters 6WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L Requirements Infrastructures ListSpecifications AntaresNemoNestor Sea bed infrastructure operational Operational Installed (but not in use) Available but not yet operational Nb of fibres to shore 2222 DC voltage350V<V<400V500 VAC375V400V Outputs for DU connection 1 + 1 spare At least 1 with Y cable 1 + 2 spares 4 but need to be upgraded InstrumentationADCP, CTD, SV... Available when IL07 connected Available with Capo Passero DU Some instrumentation to be deployed Acoustic positioningSystem operationalavailableTo be deployed BoatAvailabilityCastor available Certamen uncertainty on availability R/V AEGAEO and Delta Berenike (not yet operational) available Shore station internet access > 100 Mb/s100 Mb/s 8 Mb/s (1Gb/s in 06/11) 1 Gb/s

7 WP F/L Vessels (1) 7WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L Castor 2, Foselev Marine 50 m long Dynamic positioning Available Cost: ~15k€/day+ mob Certamen, Elettra 105 m long Dynamic positioning Availability? Cost: ~19k€/day Antares site Nemo Site

8 WP F/L Vessels (2) 8WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L Nestor Site R/V AEGAEO, H.C.M.R 62 m long No dynamic positioning Available Cost: ~6k€/day Delta Berenike, NOA space: 250 m 2 Dynamic positioning Available but not operational Cost: FREE

9 WP F/L ROV  Cougar ROV from INFN/INGV is planned to be used in all the sites.  Victor 6000 from Ifremer could be an alternative in Antares. 9WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L Cougar

10 WP F/L Site choice process  DU design dependence to site and also commitments, decision needed soon  Internal memo sent to the SPB and spokesperson of the 3 infrastructures beginning of March  Request by WPF/L coordinators: discussion in SPB this week  Request by WPF/L coordinators for a decision before mid April 10WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L

11 Conclusion  No recommendation from WPF/L to SPB for a seafloor infrastructure for the PPM  Nestor has no cable operational (Nestor applied for funds to repair cable)  Availability of Delta Berenike is not so clear  MEUST is not available in time  Preliminary conclusion of WPF/L coordinators: Antares and Nemo infrastructures preferred  Decision requested soon from the SPB (planning issues) 11WPF/L- PPM DU site- P. Lamare30/03/2011 WP F/L

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